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Full Version: Custom Registration Emails.
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Where is the template/script that sends/formats the registration emails?

I would like to customize it, so that when someone registers, it runs checks on the data they have entered to make sure that they are not spamming the forum.

I run a game forum, and I want to make sure that the in game username is valid.

User1 signs up on my forum ( and puts an invalid IGN (for minecraft). In the registration email, it sends them a warning that this has been detected and asks them to fix the errors before resending the activation email.

How do I do this?
Thanks in advance!

I already figured out the script that checks the username, I just need to know how to customize the registration email.

Edit1: I am using MyBB v1.6.3
(2011-06-22, 01:29 PM)tyzoid Wrote: [ -> ]Example:
User1 signs up on my forum ( and puts an invalid IGN (for minecraft). In the registration email, it sends them a warning that this has been detected and asks them to fix the errors before resending the activation email.

How do I do this?
I think you need to make a plugin for this and use a hook like 'member_do_register_start'.
Anyway... try to find the code inside member.php at line 255.
		else if($mybb->settings['regtype'] == "verify")

Ill try that. I don't know how to make these plugins, but ill look.

I'm going away for 5 days, so I'll post back here when I am done.