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Full Version: why reply thread split from thread pages?
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Reply to thread why do not appear on the page showtread? but he separates.
to see an example. please go to my forum -> the lounge -> choose Any thread -> look a reply thread..he splits. usually replies in the thread under the thread but this is not
testing user account required.. guests cannot see the replying box
(2011-06-23, 04:45 PM)ranjani Wrote: [ -> ]testing user account required.. guests cannot see the replying box

I mean is why the reply thread does not appear under the heading of the thread.?
it is just appearing as usual for me here . am I missing something in understanding your issue..
(2011-06-23, 04:51 PM)paysalkharis Wrote: [ -> ]I mean is why the reply thread does not appear under the heading of the thread.?

Are you talking about the Quick Reply box? We need a user test account to see that. As for the New Reply button, it's showing just fine here.