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Full Version: Making my Forum Category Header Image Global
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I have various plugins and also parts of my portal that I would like to have a matching header to my forum categories. Here's a picture. I want a global effect, so to speak, because I've seen it on another theme I messed around with where all of the plugins I installed, including MyTabs, generated the same header.

[Image: headers.png]
in global.css , find
.thead {color: #FFFFFF;}

change its color to #D6051A

AND you may add a:link {color: #D6051A !important;} in global.css
BUT it conflicts with the hovering color effects. so you have to find
the exact elements to change the color attributes.
That did not accomplish what I'm talking about. Maybe you thought I meant text, but I'm talking about the background behind the text.

I want the black areas to have the same grey image/background as the category head.
:oops: sorry, it was my overlook Sad it appears that category head has no defined class
AND your required changes of fields have pre-defined classes.. let's wait for an expert
Alrighty. I was just hopeful that this could be done, but maybe not. We shall see. Smile

Thanks for your consideration!
Still trying to figure this out.