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Full Version: Add another Postbit Info
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I want to add crew info to the post like so.

What is in RED is what I want most. What is in GREEN is Needed but not a major add.

Joined:23-April 10
Location: USA
Favourite Car:Honda NSX-R
CrewToungueHA & NFSU &TRD
World Handle: BLAHTYPEX

Please list how I would do this Smile
You can do this with Profile Fields : .
After you complete the Profile Fields, go to -> Templates & Style -> Templates -> Your templates -> Post Bit Templates -> postbit_author_user and at the end add :

Favourite Car : {$post['fid5']}
Crew: {$post['fid6']}
Where "5" ; "6" is the custom profile field id

After that,these fields will be necessary when someone will register...
You can change with what you want at :