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Full Version: red reputation bar not work, ~x(
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i have install plugins reputation bars from sabichul in here

but, the negative bar not work, only green rep works

can u help me ?

many thanks
here is the ss

I find that you've already got response for above issue..
(2011-06-25, 07:06 AM)Jordan Lovelle Wrote: [ -> ]You'll have to ask for support from the plugin author. I assume that the setting is to only show one red bar no matter how much negative reps. Ask for the author for help though, ...
(2011-06-25, 08:19 AM)ranjani Wrote: [ -> ]I find that you've already got response for above issue..
(2011-06-25, 07:06 AM)Jordan Lovelle Wrote: [ -> ]You'll have to ask for support from the plugin author. I assume that the setting is to only show one red bar no matter how much negative reps. Ask for the author for help though, ...

this plugin edited by sabichul not author Big Grin

can u help me ? Angel

i have found the answer from kaskus member Big Grin

if ("-99" <= $post['reputation'] && $post['reputation'] <= "-1"){ 
else if ("-199" <= $post['reputation'] && $post['reputation'] <= "-100"){ 
else if ("-299" <= $post['reputation'] && $post['reputation'] <= "-200"){