I would like remove the 'Joined Date'
Im in my postbit_classic but its tide in with 'user_details' so if remove user_details posts and reps go too
{$post['usertitle']}<br />
{$post['useravatar']}<br />
Can user_details be broken down???
User Details has a separate template from what I remember. I think it's called postbit_user_details
1. Put {$post['user_details']} back in its place.
2. Go to Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Your Template Set > Post Bit Templates > postbit_author_user.
3. Find:
{$lang->postbit_posts} {$post['postnum']}<br />
{$lang->postbit_joined} {$post['userregdate']}
4. Replace with:
{$lang->postbit_posts} {$post['postnum']}
Yes now its looking very tidy!!!