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Full Version: add translations in global.lang.php
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Having added two buttons to the post editor (after button justify text), I would like to use the possibility of translating the descriptions of the use of the buttons by adding items like this in the U.S. and FR:
$l['editor_title_limage'] = "Show a resized clickable image";

So I added the items in global.lang.php, I put in editor.js in the description of the following new buttons
{type: 'button', name: 'limg', image: 'toolbar-ibox.gif', insert: 'limage', extra: 1, title: this.options.lang.title_limage}

I did not display in the tooltip
Does anyone know how to fix it?
In advance thank you.
The language strings are defined in /inc/functions.php (around line 2325):

$editor_lang_strings = array(
Thank you very much faviouz for the quick response

it has nothing to understand.

A list of messages in a separate file,I wouldn't thought about that
another question
how do I use this system as a plugin?

is for the spoiler bbcode here with the code snippet:

$replace = array("<div><div class=\"quote_header\">$1 <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"javascript:if(parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display=='block'){parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display='none';this.innerHTML=this.options.lang.spoiler_show;}else {parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display='block';this.innerHTML=this.options.lang.spoiler_hide;}\">this.options.lang.spoiler_show</a></div><div class=\"quote_body\" style=\"display: none;\">$2</div></div>", "<div><div class=\"quote_header\">Spoiler <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"javascript:if(parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display=='block'){parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display='none';this.innerHTML=this.options.lang.spoiler_show;}else {parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display='block';this.innerHTML=this.options.lang.spoiler_show;}\">Voir</a></div><div class=\"quote_body\" style=\"display: none;\">$1</div></div>");

Unfortunately I get the display:

As I just wish the word Show ?

Faviouz ?

Not idea !
babel fish . com

is a great translator.

I always used it while living in Japan