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Full Version: Reputation NOT WORKING! Help!
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(2011-07-07, 10:46 PM)faviouz Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sure you didn't give me the code of the MyBB Gamer theme. For one, your rate user image is named as rateuser.png, and in the code you gave me, it's calling rateuser.gif which doesn't exist and would throw a broken image. Clearly, that is not the case. Secondly, the UID and the PID are not being output, which leads me to the conclusion that the code has indeed been modified.

You need to go to Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > myBB Gamer Templates > Post Bit Templates > postbit_rep_button. Then replace the template with:

<a href="javascript:MyBB.reputation({$post['uid']},{$post['pid']});"><img src="{$theme['imglangdir']}/rateuser.png" alt="{$lang->postbit_reputation}" title="{$lang->postbit_reputation}" /></a>

Once I have done that, the Rate User (Reputation) Button, upon clicking, still states the same message, "You Did Not Specify a User to Give Reputation To." Thanks for your help, I appreciate it, but this has not been the solution to my problem, sadly... Sad Is there any other possible solution?
This is a theme related issue, because the same doesn't happen on the default theme. There must be some other mistake in the templates. Can you PM me an admin account so I can take a look?
*THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN FIXED* Thanks to Faviouz, for the best customer support and help to me. He has fixed my site and as well as changed a few other things around to help my forum reach a newer height. I appreciate his service very much and Faviouz deserves to be, like, the god of MyBB. THANK YOU FAVIOUZ!
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