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Full Version: Quick Edit/Full Edit
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Hello guys.

I have a problem with the permission I guess.

When I try to edit a post using a "Registered User", with the "Can edit own post" and the forum config to "Can edit post" too, I get some errors.

Quick Edit: "There was an error performing the update. Cannot edit post!"
Full Edit: Show me the permission page "You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:..."

If I'm online with my Administrator account then I can edit posts, doesn't matter if is using the quick edit or the full edit.

I already checked the permissions seted in all forums and in the "Registered" group.

That's my forum link:
That's the link to my post using the tester account:
Account/Password: Google Guy/123456

Thank you for now.
it appears that the problem resolved (check) .. tested with Google chrome
Yes, thank you.

I just found the problem.

I was using a Plugin to disallow people to edit posts under the Admin permission, but I though that it would work only with posts made by an Administrator and not for everyone.

Then I disabled that Pluging and everything works good now.

Thank you anyway.