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Full Version: Change font colour in registration page!
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I went to the registration page to check if everything is okay. Everything was okay apart from one thing. One important thing.

The font colour was black. I mean the colours of username, email, password was black. So you had to mark everything to see what is written. How do you change the colour?
Can you please post the URL of your forum?
Sure, the URL is
Open global.css and find;
.trow1 {
	background: #282828;
	color: #909090;
and Change color attribute #hex color value to: #fff;, like this;
.trow1 {
	background: #282828;
	color: #fff;
That won't work, and would change the color of the text in all trows. Instead, I recommend doing this:

1. Go to Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Your Template Set > Member Templates > member_profile.

2. Find:


3. Add afterwards:

<style type="text/css">
.smalltext {
        color: #fff;
Thank you, tried what you said. But it still doesn't work!
^ what have you added AND where ? the method given by faviouz should work !! (see image)
I did exactly what he said, but it still doesn't work. Where did you find that image?
^ well, tested that on your forum thru Stylish add-on for Firefox ..
Can you PM me an admin account? I'll take a look.
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