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Full Version: Formatting Custom Profile Fields
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Let's say you've setup a custom profile option for "Favorite Color" and you have Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Purple as options - you've picked them all. They display as bullet points when you use $profilefields to call it up on the member_profile template. It shows up under "Additional Info" like this:
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Purple

Now, if you want to call up "Favorite Color" so that you can show it in a different part of the profile (not under "Additional Info," but in its own table box), you use {$memprofile['fid10']} to call it up. However, this only displays the raw, unformatted data - there are no bullet points and no formatting. It only shows as "Red Green Blue Yellow Orange Purple" on a single line, and in the HTML each are on their own line (Red on one line, Green on the next line, Blue on the next line, etc.)

My question is: how do you show "Favorite Color" outside of the "Additional Info" table so that your selections are formatted with bullet points like when you call it up with $profilefields?