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Full Version: Some menu in Admin panel disappeared
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Please take a look at the picture below, you will know what I'm talking about. Suddenly the others menu, beside Home and Configuration, disappear, and I need help on this. I tried to reupload all the files and everything, still didn't work.


Problem solved by myself, to whoever has this problem, go into you myphpadmin, then edit the table adminoption, and compare your account table with other admins' tables, you will know what to do.
what happens if you click on plugins , themes , templates ... etc links at the left panel ..
I think that a other admin changed your permissions for acp.

if I click on the left panel, I can still go to those pages, it's just I don't see the top menu anymore, and no one changed my permission, I asked the other admin already
can your other admins see all the buttons?
I can't contact them, but I've seen another forum with the same situation too, after upgrade to 1.6.3
Upload the language files again ..
/inc/languages and /inc/languages​​/your language, try to make 666 or 777.
It's not the languages, just upload the ./admin/ folder again.
I did, and the problem is still here
And are you logged in with a super admin account?? Because if you are, there's not much more it can be other than missing files...
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