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Full Version: avatar with webcam mod
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i have an idea of creating a mod that lets users to use their webcams to create avatar, (like facebook) in this page

so far i figure outed three lines Big Grin

< META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="10" >
< META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache" >
< IMG SRC="webcam.jpg" width=100 height=100 >

who likes the idea ?
It sounds like a handy tool but not really necesary because if users does have a webcam they can just upload their pictures directly from PC anyways.
(2011-07-16, 09:50 PM)Sama34 Wrote: [ -> ]It sounds like a handy tool but not really necesary because if users does have a webcam they can just upload their pictures directly from PC anyways.

1st believe it or not there is people that they don't know how to take pictures from their webcams and upload them on the net Big Grin and also they get lazier every day to do that

2nd real avatars from real people are one of major keys that made facebook so succesfull, most of his users used that tool to take their pictures. they even have a script that analyses your face !!

3rd websites losts their page rank if their is url and/or pictures of other websites embedded on their pages.

4 rd if a person saw his friend real avatar on the forum , he will also like to join the forum, or at least they talk about it, probably while other friend or family around; and that is of course very important !
It might be a great challenge to implement the following webcam.js library into the avatar uploading mechanism.
Have a look at these demos to take and save snapshots from webcam.
