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Full Version: Autocomplete in PM / Check boxes not functioning properly
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Hi All,
I have a recent install of MyBB 1.6 using Blue Lust theme by Jason L. of Synthd and several plug-ins from this website.

I'm having a few problems that do not exist in the default mybb theme, but become apparent when the Blue Lust theme is activated.

I've disabled plug-ins one by one to no effect. It's likely something I've done manually fiddling with a template. I'm hoping more experienced users of the board might be able to quickly point me toward the likely trouble area so I can narrow the focus of my troubleshooting.
Thanks in advance for your help.
  • As moderator, selecting a checkbox in a list of posts does not update the "Go(0)" counter... and therefore unable to use the related functions.
  • As a moderator, select all checkbox only checks itself and the box immediately below (whether in selecting threads within forums or posts within threads). Other boxes remain unchecked.
  • Autocomplete of addresses in PM's not functioning
  • User CP add to buddy/ignore user buttons do nothing on click

forum URL please... first two issues appear to be due to jQuery conflict..
(2011-07-19, 04:21 AM)ranjani Wrote: [ -> ]forum URL please... first two issues appear to be due to jQuery conflict..

sent via pm. thank you
I've removed the following 2 lines from the header and this seems to have resolved all of the problems listed in my original post. I'm not sure, however, what others I may have created in the process.

<script type="text/javascript"src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
It will only cause a problem if your theme or anything else you've added rely on jQuery. Not sure why jQuery was being loaded twice either.