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Full Version: Rotating code
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how can i rotating code in my forum
so i put 3 or 4 code they rotate randomly
Rotating what exactly?
i want rotating ads, script etc
The script you're looking for is called MyAdvertisements made by Pirata Nervo. You can find it here:
Edit: not seen koz's response Smile

this might help : Rotate Images .
And though I didn't check, an expert was saying that myadvertisements plugin can be used
with same zone for different advertisements - visiting a new page will have a different item
The plugin above is also available here:
i install sucessfully but i m unable to add ads
plz help me
Because that helps massively. What are we supposed to do? You haven't said why you can't.
The ads are shown left side on footer/header i want show on center
^ use <div style="text-align:center;">your advertisement code</div>