I've looked as much as I can, and can't seem to find how to get each of the forums to automatically sort based on options we can define. I want it to sort by the last post and be descending. Now I know the options in the new forum option is for when the readers can sort it and those are the defaults, but is there a way to get the board to automatically sort it by the last post descending without having to tell it to? Please help!
in forum management, for each forum / sub-forum you can select required Default View Options thru Edit Forum option
But it has an option there for board default, so where is the option to change the board default its self? And that from what it looks like doesn't change the actual sorting, just the options at the bottom of each forum for default sorting. The top of the forum list still says Last Post[asc] and i want it to say Last Post[desc] instead. Only way I have found to do this is to actually click the asc part so it switches to descending.
It seems to me you are confusing a couple of things. The default sort order of the board is by Last Post Descending (Meaning threads with the newer posts are listed first). When sorting this way the Last post header will named Last Post [asc] this does not mean that the sort order is ascending, the [asc] is labelled so to let you know that clicking on it will change the order to ascending.
If what you are looking for is Last Post Ascending (meaning threads with newer posts get listed at the end) then you can change this by going edit forum for each of the forums where you want this behavior and changing the Default Sort By to Last Post Time and Default Sort Order to Ascending. This will then change the header to show Last Post [desc]
Ok that helps me understand. Thank you very much. Now another question. Is there a way to set a global setting for this option?