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Full Version: New User Group With Default User Title Stars
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I have created a new user group named "Developers". I want these user’s star count to reflect their post count per the default settings. The default is Newby (0 posts = 0 stars), Junior Member (1 post = 2 stars), Member (50 posts = 3 stars), Senior Member (250 posts = 4 stars) and Posting Freak (750 posts = 5 stars).

Therefore members of Developers group must have the word Developer appear under their forum username and their stars must reflect their post count just as if they were a member of one of the default groups listed above. So a Dev with 0 posts would have 0 stars, Dev with 1 post would have 2 stars, Dev with 50 posts would have 3 stars, etcetera.

I successfully created a Developers group and placed a member in this new group. Problem is the only way I could make the word “Developer” display under the UN is to put Developer in the “Default User Title” field. This then means that no stars are displayed for that user. How do I make a user a Developer and have the correct number of stars display with their posts per their total post count?

Thank you for your help.

I have a feeling this is something simple I overlooked or just didn't understand.

I read MyBB wiki page about user titles but no joy.
Why not just leave the Default User Title blank, and allow them to edit custom user titles? This will work..
(2011-07-25, 08:15 PM)Peter Chao Wrote: [ -> ]Why not just leave the Default User Title blank, and allow them to edit custom user titles? This will work..

Yes that would work but that wasn’t what I had originally envisioned.

I have a section of my forum set aside in which only Developers will be able to post. Devs who want to post in that section will contact me and I will add them manually to the Developer user group.

I had hoped that I could add them to this user group which would automatically put the word Developer below their UN while still automatically having their post count determine the number of stars that appear below their group name. Clear as mud right? Thanks for the reply though.

I have come up with a workaround.

As with my other usergroups I have set Developers so that they can’t create custom user titles. This means that when I add a user to the Developer group I will also need to change their “Custom User Title” to “Developer”.

The result is that they will recieve the same number of stars as other members do for their posts while still being in Developers usergroup and having the title of Developer displayed below their UN.