This language pack is meant for MyBB 1.4. If you are using a different version of MyBB then please upgrade to the latest version and check if a newer language pack is available. To do so go to and click Downloads and Translations.


  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Changes made since the previous language pack
  5. Additional information


In order to satisfy as many users as possible MyBB is available in a multitude of languages. By default MyBB is installed with the American English language files, but thanks to many volunteers MyBB is also available in other languages. This language pack will allow you to use MyBB in [language].


The [language] text is stored in language files, which are packed in an archive file together with this readme and the [language] translation of this readme. These language files are divided amongst several folders. With this package several image files are also distributed. These images contain the [language] translation for the buttons and the usergroup images.

This readme, the [language] readme and a file called [language].php are in the main folder, the files containing the translations of the text for the front end are in a subfolder called [language] and the files containing the translations of the text for the admin end are in a subfolder called admin in the previously mentioned subfolder [language]. Additionally a folder called images will be present. This folder contains the images with the [language] text.

You will have to create the same folder structure on your server and place the language files in those folders. Below are extensive instructions on how to do this. We will assume you have already extracted the contents of the archive to your computer, which means the files are already available and the folder structure is as it should be. We will also assume you know how to use an FTP program to connect to your server. The tasks below should be executable with any FTP program.

  1. Open your FTP program and connect to your server.

  2. Navigate with your FTP program to the folder on your server in which you installed MyBB.

  3. Navigate to the folder on your server called inc and to the folder called languages, which will be located in the folder called inc. In the folder languages you should see a folder named english and a file named english.php.

  4. Copy the file [language].php from your computer to this folder on the server. It should then be present in the folder languages.

  5. After that copy the folder called [language] from your computer to the folder languages on the server.

  6. Navigate with your FTP program to the folder on your server in which you installed MyBB.

  7. Navigate with your FTP program to the subfolder called images on your server. In the folder images you should see a folder named english.

  8. After that navigate to the subfolder called images on your computer. You will see a folder called [language] in this folder.

  9. Copy this folder called [language] (which is located in the subfolder images) from your computer to the folder images on the server. The files closed.gif, newreply.gif, newthread.gif, postbit_delete.gif, postbit_edit.gif, postbit_email.gif, postbit_find.gif, postbit_pm.gif, postbit_profile.gif, postbit_quote.gif, postbit_report.gif en postbit_www.gif will be located in this folder called [language].

  10. After that navigate with your FTP program on the server to the subfolder images again, and after that to the subfolder groupimages. In the folder groupimages you should see a folder named english.

  11. Navigate to the subfolder called images and the subfolder called groupimages (which is located in the subfolder images). You will see a subfolder called [language].

  12. Copy this folder called [language] (which is located in the subfolder groupimages) from your computer to the folder groupimages on the server. The files team-administrator.gif, team-designer.gif, team-developer.gif, team-management.gif, team-mod.gif, team-supermod.gif, team-support.gif en team-tester.gif will be located in this folder called [language].

You have now uploaded all necessary files to the server. Read the following paragraphs for more information on how to enable the [language] language on your board.


After uploading the required files you can use the [language] translation for your copy of MyBB. We will hereafter discuss how to use the [language] translation for the front end of the board, how to use the [language] translation for the admin area of the board and how to set the [language] translation as the default language for your board. The default language will be used by guests and users who haven't set a language preference.


Below are the most obvious changes compared to the previous language pack. Note to translators from Tochjo: you can omit this paragraph if you do not wish to include it or if no previous translation for your language was available. Do not forget to also update the contents at the top of the page if you choose to remove this paragraph. In any case, remove this text.


If you wish to contact the authors of this translation, please go to the Admin CP and click the Configuration tab. After that, click Languages to view the Languages module. There you will find a list of installed language packs and a link to the authors' websites. You can click the links to contact the authors of this language pack. Additionally you can go to the MyBB Community Forums and look in the member list for the translator's name. You could also post a thread in the Internationalization forum there. Your comments are a valuable source of information and we will use your comments to improve future translations!

We hope you will enjoy using MyBB,

[Name of translator]
[language] Translator