var messageEditor = Class.create(); messageEditor.prototype = { openTags: new Array(), initialize: function(textarea, options) { // Sorry Konqueror, but due to a browser bug out of control with textarea values // you do not get to use the fancy editor. if(MyBB.browse == "konqueror") { return false; } this.options = options; if(this.options) { if(!this.options.lang) { return false; } if(!this.options.rtl) { this.options.rtl = 0; } } // Defines an array of fonts to be shown in the font drop down. this.fonts = new Array(); this.fonts["Arial"] = "Arial"; this.fonts["Courier"] = "Courier"; this.fonts["Impact"] = "Impact"; this.fonts["Tahoma"] = "Tahoma"; this.fonts["Times New Roman"] = "Times New Roman"; this.fonts["Trebuchet MS"] = "Trebuchet MS"; this.fonts["Verdana"] = "Verdana"; // An array of font sizes to be shown. this.sizes = new Array(); this.sizes["xx-small"] = this.options.lang.size_xx_small; this.sizes["x-small"] = this.options.lang.size_x_small; this.sizes["small"] = this.options.lang.size_small; this.sizes["medium"] = this.options.lang.size_medium this.sizes["x-large"] = this.options.lang.size_x_large; this.sizes["xx-large"] = this.options.lang.size_xx_large; // An array of colours to be shown. this.colors = new Array(); this.colors["white"] = this.options.lang.color_white; this.colors["black"] = this.options.lang.color_black; this.colors["red"] = this.options.lang.color_red; this.colors["yellow"] = this.options.lang.color_yellow; this.colors["pink"] = this.options.lang.color_pink; this.colors["green"] = this.options.lang.color_green; this.colors["orange"] = this.options.lang.color_orange; this.colors["purple"] = this.options.lang.color_purple; this.colors["blue"] = this.options.lang.color_blue; this.colors["beige"] = this.options.lang.color_beige; this.colors["brown"] = this.options.lang.color_brown; this.colors["teal"] = this.options.lang.color_teal; this.colors["navy"] = this.options.lang.color_navy; this.colors["maroon"] = this.options.lang.color_maroon; this.colors["limegreen"] = this.options.lang.color_limegreen; // Here we get the ID of the textarea we're replacing and store it. this.textarea = textarea; // Only swap it over once the page has loaded (add event) Event.observe(window, "load", this.showEditor.bindAsEventListener(this)); }, showEditor: function() { // Assign the old textarea to a variable for later use. oldTextarea = $(this.textarea); // Now this.textarea becomes the new textarea ID this.textarea += "_new"; // Begin the creation of our new editor. editor = document.createElement("div"); = "relative"; editor.className = "editor"; // Determine the overall height and width - messy, but works if(this.options && this.options.width) { w = this.options.width; } else if( { w =; } else if(oldTextarea.clientWidth) { w = oldTextarea.clientWidth+"px"; } else { w = "560px"; } if(this.options && this.options.height) { w = this.options.height; } else if( { h =; } else if(oldTextarea.clientHeight) { h = oldTextarea.clientHeight+"px"; } else { h = "400px"; } = w; = h; = "3px"; // Create the first toolbar toolBar = document.createElement("div"); = "26px"; = "relative"; // Create text font/color/size toolbar textFormatting = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "100%"; if(this.options.rtl == 1) { = 0; } else { = 0; } toolBar.appendChild(textFormatting); // Create the font drop down. fontSelect = document.createElement("select"); = "2px"; = "font"; fontSelect.options[fontSelect.options.length] = new Option(this.options.lang.font, "-"); for(font in this.fonts) { fontSelect.options[fontSelect.options.length] = new Option(this.fonts[font], font); } Event.observe(fontSelect, "change", this.changeFont.bindAsEventListener(this)); textFormatting.appendChild(fontSelect); // Create the font size drop down. sizeSelect = document.createElement("select"); = "2px"; = "size"; sizeSelect.options[sizeSelect.options.length] = new Option(this.options.lang.size, "-"); for(size in this.sizes) { sizeSelect.options[sizeSelect.options.length] = new Option(this.sizes[size], size); } Event.observe(sizeSelect, "change", this.changeSize.bindAsEventListener(this)); textFormatting.appendChild(sizeSelect); // Create the colour drop down. colorSelect = document.createElement("select"); = "2px"; = "color"; colorSelect.options[colorSelect.options.length] = new Option(this.options.lang.color, "-"); for(color in this.colors) { colorSelect.options[colorSelect.options.length] = new Option(this.colors[color], color); colorSelect.options[colorSelect.options.length-1].style.backgroundColor = color; colorSelect.options[colorSelect.options.length-1].style.color = color; } Event.observe(colorSelect, "change", this.changeColor.bindAsEventListener(this)); textFormatting.appendChild(colorSelect); // Create close tags button closeBar = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; if(this.options.rtl == 1) { = 0; } else { = 0; } var closeButton = document.createElement("img"); = "close_tags"; closeButton.src = "images/codebuttons/close_tags.gif"; closeButton.title = ""; closeButton.className = "toolbar_normal"; closeButton.height = 22; closeButton.width = 80; = "2px"; = 'hidden'; Event.observe(closeButton, "mouseover", this.toolbarItemHover.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(closeButton, "mouseout", this.toolbarItemOut.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(closeButton, "click", this.toolbarItemClick.bindAsEventListener(this)); closeBar.appendChild(closeButton); toolBar.appendChild(closeBar); // Append first toolbar to the editor editor.appendChild(toolBar); // Create the second toolbar. toolbar2 = document.createElement("div"); = "28px"; = "relative"; // Create formatting section of second toolbar. formatting = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "100%"; = "nowrap"; if(this.options.rtl == 1) { = 0; } else { = 0; } toolbar2.appendChild(formatting); // Insert toolbar buttons. this.insertStandardButton(formatting, "b", "images/codebuttons/bold.gif", "b", "", this.options.lang.title_bold); this.insertStandardButton(formatting, "i", "images/codebuttons/italic.gif", "i", "", this.options.lang.title_italic); this.insertStandardButton(formatting, "u", "images/codebuttons/underline.gif", "u", "", this.options.lang.title_underline); this.insertSeparator(formatting); this.insertStandardButton(formatting, "align_left", "images/codebuttons/align_left.gif", "align", "left", this.options.lang.title_left); this.insertStandardButton(formatting, "align_center", "images/codebuttons/align_center.gif", "align", "center", this.options.lang.title_center); this.insertStandardButton(formatting, "align_right", "images/codebuttons/align_right.gif", "align", "right", this.options.lang.title_right); this.insertStandardButton(formatting, "align_justify", "images/codebuttons/align_justify.gif", "align", "justify", this.options.lang.title_justify); // Create insertable elements section of second toolbar. elements = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; if(this.options.rtl == 1) { = 0; } else { = 0; } toolbar2.appendChild(elements); this.insertStandardButton(elements, "list_num", "images/codebuttons/list_num.gif", "list", "1", this.options.lang.title_numlist); this.insertStandardButton(elements, "list_bullet", "images/codebuttons/list_bullet.gif", "list", "", this.options.lang.title_bulletlist); this.insertSeparator(elements); this.insertStandardButton(elements, "img", "images/codebuttons/image.gif", "image", "", this.options.lang.title_image); this.insertStandardButton(elements, "url", "images/codebuttons/link.gif", "url", "", this.options.lang.title_hyperlink); this.insertStandardButton(elements, "email", "images/codebuttons/email.gif", "email", "", this.options.lang.title_email); this.insertSeparator(elements); this.insertStandardButton(elements, "quote", "images/codebuttons/quote.gif", "quote", "", this.options.lang.title_quote); this.insertStandardButton(elements, "code", "images/codebuttons/code.gif", "code", "", this.options.lang.title_code); this.insertStandardButton(elements, "php", "images/codebuttons/php.gif", "php", "", this.options.lang.title_php); // Append the second toolbar to the editor editor.appendChild(toolbar2); // Create our new text area areaContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "both"; // Set the width/height of the area subtract = subtract2 = 0; if(MyBB.browser != "ie" || (MyBB.browser == "ie" && MyBB.useragent.indexOf('msie 7.') != -1)) { subtract = subtract2 = 8; } = parseInt("px"; = parseInt("px"; // Create text area textInput = document.createElement("textarea"); = this.textarea; ="_new"; = parseInt("px"; = parseInt("px"; if(oldTextarea.value != '') { textInput.value = oldTextarea.value; } if(oldTextarea.tabIndex) { textInput.tabIndex = oldTextarea.tabIndex; } areaContainer.appendChild(textInput); editor.appendChild(areaContainer); if(oldTextarea.form) { Event.observe(oldTextarea.form, "submit", this.closeTags.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(oldTextarea.form, "submit", this.updateOldArea.bindAsEventListener(this)); } // Hide the old editor = "hidden"; = "absolute"; = "-1000px"; += "_old"; this.oldTextarea = oldTextarea; // Append the new editor oldTextarea.parentNode.insertBefore(editor, oldTextarea); Event.observe(textInput, "keyup", this.updateOldArea.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(textInput, "blur", this.updateOldArea.bindAsEventListener(this)); }, updateOldArea: function(e) { this.oldTextarea.value = $(this.textarea).value; }, insertStandardButton: function(into, id, src, insertText, insertExtra, alt) { var button = document.createElement("img"); = id; button.src = src; button.alt = alt; button.title = alt; button.insertText = insertText; button.insertExtra = insertExtra; button.className = "toolbar_normal"; button.height = 22; button.width = 23; = "2px"; Event.observe(button, "mouseover", this.toolbarItemHover.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(button, "mouseout", this.toolbarItemOut.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(button, "click", this.toolbarItemClick.bindAsEventListener(this)); into.appendChild(button); }, insertSeparator: function(into) { var separator = document.createElement("img"); = "2px"; separator.src = "images/codebuttons/sep.gif"; = "top"; separator.className = "toolbar_sep"; into.appendChild(separator); }, toolbarItemOut: function(e) { element = MyBB.eventElement(e); if(!element) { return false; } if(element.insertText) { if(element.insertExtra) { insertCode = element.insertText+"_"+element.insertExtra; } else { insertCode = element.insertText; } if(MyBB.inArray(insertCode, this.openTags)) { DomLib.addClass(element, "toolbar_clicked"); } } DomLib.removeClass(element, "toolbar_hover"); }, toolbarItemHover: function(e) { element = MyBB.eventElement(e); if(!element) { return false; } DomLib.addClass(element, "toolbar_hover"); }, toolbarItemClick: function(e) { element = MyBB.eventElement(e); if(!element) { return false; } if( == "close_tags") { this.closeTags(); } else { this.insertMyCode(element.insertText, element.insertExtra); } }, changeFont: function(e) { element = MyBB.eventElement(e); if(!element) { return false; } this.insertMyCode("font", element.options[element.selectedIndex].value); if(this.getSelectedText($(this.textarea))) { element.selectedIndex = 0; } }, changeSize: function(e) { element = MyBB.eventElement(e); if(!element) { return false; } this.insertMyCode("size", element.options[element.selectedIndex].value); if(this.getSelectedText($(this.textarea))) { element.selectedIndex = 0; } }, changeColor: function(e) { element = MyBB.eventElement(e); if(!element) { return false; } this.insertMyCode("color", element.options[element.selectedIndex].value); if(this.getSelectedText($(this.textarea))) { element.selectedIndex = 0; } }, insertList: function(type) { list = ""; do { listItem = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_list_item, ""); if(listItem != "" && listItem != null) { list = list+"[*]"+listItem+"\n"; } } while(listItem != "" && listItem != null); if(list == "") { return false; } if(type) { list = "[list="+type+"]\n"+list; } else { list = "[list]\n"+list; } list = list+"[/list]\n"; this.performInsert(list, "", true, false); }, insertURL: function() { selectedText = this.getSelectedText($(this.textarea)); url = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_url, "http://"); if(url) { if(!selectedText) { title = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_url_title, ""); } else { title = selectedText; } if(title) { this.performInsert("[url="+url+"]"+title+"[/url]", "", true, false); } else { this.performInsert("[url]"+url+"[/url]", "", true, false); } } }, insertEmail: function() { selectedText = this.getSelectedText($(this.textarea)); email = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_email, ""); if(email) { if(!selectedText) { title = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_email_title, ""); } else { title = selectedText; } if(title) { this.performInsert("[email="+email+"]"+title+"[/email]", "", true, false); } else { this.performInsert("[email]"+email+"[/email]", "", true, false); } } }, insertIMG: function() { image = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_image, "http://"); if(image) { this.performInsert("[img]"+image+"[/img]", "", true); } }, insertMyCode: function(code, extra) { switch(code) { case "list": this.insertList(extra); break; case "url": this.insertURL(); break; case "image": this.insertIMG(); break; case "email": this.insertEmail(); break; default: var already_open = false; var no_insert = false; if(extra) { var full_tag = code+"_"+extra; } else { var full_tag = code; } var newTags = new Array(); for(var i=0; i< this.openTags.length; ++i) { if(this.openTags[i]) { exploded_tag = this.openTags[i].split("_"); if(exploded_tag[0] == code) { already_open = true; this.performInsert("[/"+exploded_tag[0]+"]", "", false); if($(this.openTags[i])) { $(this.openTags[i]).className = "toolbar_normal"; } if(this.openTags[i] == full_tag) { no_insert = true; } } else { newTags[newTags.length] = this.openTags[i]; } } } this.openTags = newTags; var do_insert = false; if(extra != "" && extra != "-" && no_insert == false) { start_tag = "["+code+"="+extra+"]"; end_tag = "[/"+code+"]"; do_insert = true; } else if(!extra && already_open == false) { start_tag = "["+code+"]"; end_tag = "[/"+code+"]"; do_insert = true; } if(do_insert == true) { if(!this.performInsert(start_tag, end_tag, true)) { MyBB.arrayPush(this.openTags, full_tag); $('close_tags').style.visibility = ''; } else if($(full_tag)) { DomLib.removeClass($(full_tag), "toolbar_clicked"); } } } }, getSelectedText: function(element) { element.focus(); if(document.selection) { var selection = document.selection; var range = selection.createRange(); if((selection.type == "Text" || selection.type == "None") && range != null) { return range.text; } } else if(element.selectionEnd) { var select_start = element.selectionStart; var select_end = element.selectionEnd; if(select_end <= 2) { select_end = element.textLength; } var start = element.value.substring(0, select_start); var middle = element.value.substring(select_start, select_end); return middle; } }, performInsert: function(open_tag, close_tag, is_single, ignore_selection) { var is_closed = true; if(!ignore_selection) { var ignore_selection = false; } if(!close_tag) { var close_tag = ""; } var textarea = $(this.textarea); textarea.focus(); if(document.selection) { var selection = document.selection; var range = selection.createRange(); if(ignore_selection != false) { selection.collapse; } if((selection.type == "Text" || selection.type == "None") && range != null && ignore_selection != true) { if(close_tag != "" && range.text.length > 0) { var keep_selected = true; range.text = open_tag+range.text+close_tag; } else { var keep_selected = false; if(is_single) { is_closed = false; } range.text = open_tag; }; } else { textarea.value += open_tag; } } else if(textarea.selectionEnd) { var select_start = textarea.selectionStart; var select_end = textarea.selectionEnd; var scroll_top = textarea.scrollTop; if(select_end <= 2) { select_end = textarea.textLength; } var start = textarea.value.substring(0, select_start); var middle = textarea.value.substring(select_start, select_end); var end = textarea.value.substring(select_end, textarea.textLength); if(select_end - select_start > 0 && ignore_selection != true && close_tag != "") { var keep_selected = true; middle = open_tag+middle+close_tag; } else { var keep_selected = false; if(is_single) { is_closed = false; } middle = open_tag; } textarea.value = start+middle+end; if(keep_selected == true && ignore_selection != true) { textarea.selectionStart = select_start; textarea.selectionEnd = select_start + middle.length; } else if(ignore_selection != true) { textarea.selectionStart = select_start + middle.length; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart; } textarea.scrollTop = scroll_top; } else { textarea.value += open_tag; if(is_single) { is_closed = false; } } this.updateOldArea(); textarea.focus(); return is_closed; }, closeTags: function() { if(this.openTags[0]) { while(this.openTags[0]) { tag = MyBB.arrayPop(this.openTags); exploded_tag = tag.split("_"); this.performInsert("[/"+exploded_tag[0]+"]", "", false); if($(exploded_tag[0])) { tag = $(exploded_tag[0]); if(tag.type == "select-one") { tag.selectedIndex = 0; } else { DomLib.removeClass($(tag), "toolbar_clicked"); } } } } $(this.textarea).focus(); $('close_tags').style.visibility = 'hidden'; this.openTags = new Array(); }, setToolbarItemState: function(id, state) { element = $(id); if(element && element != null) { element.className = "toolbar_"+state; } }, bindSmilieInserter: function(id) { if(!$(id)) { return false; } smilies = DomLib.getElementsByClassName($(id), "img", "smilie"); if(smilies.length > 0) { for(var i=0; i < smilies.length; ++i) { var smilie = smilies[i]; smilie.onclick = this.insertSmilie.bindAsEventListener(this); = "pointer"; } } }, openGetMoreSmilies: function(editor) { MyBB.popupWindow('misc.php?action=smilies&popup=true&editor='+editor, 'sminsert', 240, 280); }, insertSmilie: function(e) { element = MyBB.eventElement(e); if(!element || !element.alt) { return false; } this.performInsert(element.alt, "", true, false); }, insertAttachment: function(aid) { this.performInsert("[attachment="+aid+"]", "", true, false); } };