Browse plugins and modifications for MyBB, allowing you to endlessly customize your forum with new features and functionality.

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Displaying additional search post/thread form on your index.

3 Stars 1,173 Downloads Updated 2014-09-12, 10:56 PM

Lets you login to MyBB with your Minecraft account.

1 Star 898 Downloads Updated 2016-05-24, 09:52 PM

Replaces the links in every thread and post on your forum with a link to your SafeLink page instead (unless the URL for that link is on the excluded list), basically a link on your forum goes from to

11 Stars 2,359 Downloads Updated 2017-06-05, 07:45 AM

Turns slider gallery for images!

1 Star 379 Downloads Updated 2017-05-21, 01:17 AM

This plugin adds a list of the best reputated users to your forum.

4 Stars 1,233 Downloads Updated 2022-11-18, 04:57 PM

Adds some advanced information into the adminoptions on a users profile

13 Stars 2,491 Downloads Updated 2022-11-18, 04:57 PM

Adds a beautiful firework to your board.

4 Stars 1,391 Downloads Updated 2022-11-18, 04:57 PM

Records all referers that are sent along to your board in the header

4 Stars 1,023 Downloads Updated 2022-11-18, 04:57 PM

This plugin adds the capability to show a steam game widget into your boards posts.

5 Stars 491 Downloads Updated 2022-11-18, 04:57 PM

Adding the possibility of extended syntax highlighting to your board.

3 Stars 588 Downloads Updated 2022-11-18, 04:57 PM

Add a page to your board where users can view which cookies are stored

2 Stars 501 Downloads Updated 2022-11-18, 04:57 PM

A plugin for MyBB that allows you to view and delete the error logs of the member and admin area directly in ACP. | Ein Plugin für MyBB, mit dem Sie die Fehlerprotokolle des Mitglieder- und Admin-Bereichs direkt im ACP einsehen und löschen können.

1 Star 160 Downloads Updated 2023-06-06, 12:28 PM

Schneefall mit Zeitfenstern und Seitenauswahl | Snowfall with time windows and page selection | Chutes de neige avec fenêtres horaires et sélection de pages | Havazás időablakkal és oldalválasztással

2 Stars 190 Downloads Updated 2024-01-27, 10:22 AM

Displays a box on the index page that shows latest threads, posts, users, and more. | Zeigt eine Box auf der Index-Seite an, welche die neuesten Themen, Beiträge, Benutzer und mehr anzeigt

0 Stars 123 Downloads Updated 2021-03-30, 07:21 AM

Search Engine Optimization as described in Google's SEO Starter Guide.

38 Stars 15,548 Downloads Updated 2020-08-09, 12:13 PM

A collection of useful functions used by other plugins.

29 Stars 19,619 Downloads Updated 2018-09-10, 11:33 AM

Adds a custom page to the UCP.

4 Stars 414 Downloads Updated 2015-10-20, 07:26 PM

Provides Reverse Reputation Pages for Users

0 Stars 24 Downloads Updated 2021-05-17, 09:50 PM

Plug and play RestAPI for your MyBB Board

4 Stars 203 Downloads Updated 2022-07-31, 09:52 AM

Gives users the ability to Display an item from their Shop Inventory as an extension to their username.

12 Stars 829 Downloads Updated 2021-05-12, 05:44 PM