Browse plugins and modifications for MyBB, allowing you to endlessly customize your forum with new features and functionality.
Projects in User Profiles
Allows you to moderate username changes, limit username changes in a specific time period, and log all username changes.
Gives users the ability to Display an item from their Shop Inventory as an extension to their username.
A simple plugin that will add a list of all additional usergroups on users profiles.
Adds a powerful feedback system to your forum.
MyBB Simple Social Login / Registration Plugin Using OAuth2
This replaces the default MyBB user profile
Create and customize reputation bars
Forbid url in post, signature and website for new users
Allow administrators to create custom profile fields categories.
Creates a new page on MyBB showing the user map
Advanced Invitation System to replace MyBB's own referral system.
A very primitive MyBB plugin for showing Open Graph metas for various forum modules.
Show additional usergroup images in profile and postbit.
Allow users to mark private messages as unread.
Plugin to automatically prune inactive members
Allow moderators to manage avatar uploads/updates.
Show in the postbit, member profile, member list, the time of user service based on their registration date.
Allow users to see how many posts they or another user have posted in each forum.
Simple MyBB 1.8 plugin to show the last active time of user in postbit details