Browse plugins and modifications for MyBB, allowing you to endlessly customize your forum with new features and functionality.
Projects in Forum Display
This plugin converts MyBB date to Persian Date format
This plugin will hide the register and login page for users who are currently logged in.
Convert Mybb Date To Hijri Shamsi date
Get notified of your latest forum events by your own telegram bot.
AdultLink Url Shortener (
It let you add movies information, taken from IMDB using a link to IMDB
Shows Usernames in forumdisplay.php colored.
This plugin replace all the links in your community by customizable legend and show it to "Guests" and "Awaiting Activation" users.
This plugin allows users to style their thread title during several days by paying a specific amount (Newpoints).
Provide a Google-style default avatar with elegant colors and username initials.
The plugin is showing a bar to the: guests, users that require authentication, banned users.
Converts thread titles to all lowercase letters.
Converts thread titles to all uppercase letters.
This plugin capitalizes the first letter of a thread title.
Converts the first character of each word in a thread title to uppercase.
A simple notice that gets displayed to guests that are not logged in.
Change image rank to labeltext
a plugin for MyBB forum that adds AJAX power to the thread view
MyFdStNotice is an abbrevation for (my forumdisplay & showthread notice) it is a plugin that lets forum administrators add a notice to their forumdisplay & showthread page.
This plugin allows you to add emotions to your posts in a nice way.