Browse plugins and modifications for MyBB, allowing you to endlessly customize your forum with new features and functionality.
Projects in Moderation
Restrict the content of posts from guest view in all forums except the ones you choose to keep public. Guests will still be able to see these boards and the thread listing within them but when they open the thread it will give them an error.
Require users to certify their age via a form check stored as a cookie; similar to Jcink's age verification process.
Restrict usage of capitals in thread titles
Allows to limit number of post per hour
Change Author on Edit lets you add to certain usergroups the ability to change the author of a thread upon editing of the first post. It's as simple as it sounds. The plugin adds 1 setting to each usergroup's permissions page.
This will allow Administrators to force a username change on a user
Display unlocked content list in UserCP and ModCP for the Hide Content and OUGC Lock plugins.
Allow administrators to encode URLs within post content.
Converts MyBB into Progressive Web Apps and Accelerated Mobile Pages styles.