Last poster avatar

by Whiteneo 78 Stars 39,160 Downloads

Display user formated name and avatar on your forums with a customized popup and style.

Bug Tracker for Last poster avatar

Display author avatar in showthread? Variable?

Low Open

by Eldenroot on 2022-11-20 assigned to no one

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

Low Rejected

by Nicolas Flamel on 2020-12-04 assigned to Whiteneo

Bug v1.8.21

Low Closed

by SirGame on 2019-07-21 assigned to Whiteneo

Default avatars no work

Low Rejected

by realt3k on 2019-03-13 assigned to Whiteneo

A lot of php errors in acp (PHP 7.2.0)

Low Closed

by RikoDEV on 2017-12-16 assigned to Whiteneo

no option for this

Low Rejected

by redgum on 2017-11-26 assigned to Whiteneo

Version still shows 2.9.6

Low Closed

by PixelOrange on 2017-08-28 assigned to Whiteneo



