User IP History Logs

by JeremyCrookshank 22 Stars 2,787 Downloads

This keeps a record of a users IP history as they use the website. This is useful for auditing fraud/ban evaders/general/when people start using VPNS/Proxys during their user activity. It can record every instance of a users IP when it changes

Change Log for User IP History Logs

Version 1.4.3 stable Build #11

Fixed issue where binary ip addresses had to be whitelisted to work with the DB as it was double escaping otherwise.

Version 1.4.2 stable Build #10

* Fixed rare issue where binary IPs could cause issues in SQL where statements
* Improved compat with old ip system & binary IP addresses

Version 1.4.0 stable Build #9

Handling different MyBB implementations ie suburls different webservers having issues with getting ips

Version 1.3.0 stable Build #8

Fixed ip not storing in binary

Version 1.2.1 stable Build #7

Fixed an issue with the date in the log not showing properly

Version 1.2.0 stable Build #6

New purge option and new SQL table strucutre.

You will have to migrate data across if you want to retain data. I can help with this if you message me on Twitter.

Version 1.1.0 stable Build #5

* You WON'T be able to keep records upgrading to this Version *
Upgrading to this version requires a uninstall of the plugin entirely and then reinstallation of this new version.

New database structure brings it inline with MyBB standard which also allows more people using an older database to use this plugin.
New filtering options allow you to limit how many results are returned which will be immensely useful in larger forums and also includes user filtering and sorting options which I expect will be very helpful.

You can of course still filter using the DataTable by clicking on the columns and searching in there as well. This update is quite big in comparison to code changed but I hope you all enjoy it.

Version 1.0.3 stable Build #4

Useragent is sanitized in the logs page, this prevent XSS attacks.

Version 1.0.2 stable Build #3

Fixed an issue where clicking on a user's id in the logs wouldn't open it correctly in certain MyBB solutions. Should work great in all MyBB Solutions now.
New option to allow you to record every instance of when a users user agent changes to one they haven't used previously. This is useful for some users as people will try to ban evade using user agents.

Any issues let me know.

Version 1.0.1 stable Build #2

Fixed logs not showing under admin area. If the issue persists please let me know.

Version 1 stable Build #1

The first build has no changes.