Download Threads

by dragonexpert 1 Star 229 Downloads

This lets you download all posts in a thread in a choice of format.

Change Log for Download Threads

Version 1.3 stable Build #3

New fixes/features:

  • Bugfix: deleted/unapproved posts were included in the download.
  • Adds CSV as a download format.
  • Adds plain text as a download format.
  • Adds a dropdown menu for format selection.
  • Adds an icon for the thread download action bottom-left of page.
  • Zips up the file before download.

Version 1.1 stable Build #2

  • Bugfix: broken template.
  • Security: escape template titles when uninstalling.
  • Defensive coding: use an inclusive rather than exclusive approach for making filesystem-safe filenames.
  • Removed an extraneous template render.
  • Misc minor other.

Version 1 dev Build #1

The first build has no changes.