
by Lewis L 8 Stars 438 Downloads

A medal system for MyBB. Medals once assigned show up in posts and on member profiles.

Change Log for Medals

Version 1.4 dev Build #5

- Added public-facing Medals page (uses cached data from the database)
- Added redirect away from ACP assign page if no medals exist
- Added basic caching
- WIP caching on the statistics page
- Fixed deleting associated favorites when medal is deleted
- Fixed short colspan on table in ACP
- Version bump to 1.4

Version 1.3 dev Build #4

This update includes the match expression, this plugin will NOT work with anything less than PHP 8 due to it.

- Added pagination and sorting to medals & member tables in ACP (20 items per page for medals, 10 for members) PS: Click the column names for those tables!
- Added option to hide avatars in statistics
- Added listing the usergroups that can access manage favorites in the statistics page
- Added a new table in statistics page and shifted admin information there
- Added logging of medal actions to admincp log (complete with data on what changed)
- Fixed plugin activation query (again)

Version 1.2.10 dev Build #3

- Fixed the select a favorite message from appearing when you had selected a favorite.
- The plugin activation date in the statistics page of the ACP now reports correctly

Version 1.2 dev Build #2

Fixed white screen bug when attempting to favorite medals
Added favorite medals link to the usercp navigation
Removed unnecessary language string

Version 1.1 dev Build #1

The first build has no changes.