RPG Level

by Diggenbibo 4 Stars 1,280 Downloads

Creates an experience and level information based on the next user title

Change Log for RPG Level

Build #4 dev

- changed htmlspecialchars_uni() to $db->escape_string()

Build #3 dev

- Security fix (added htmlspecialchars_uni() to the username)

Build #2 dev

- Fixed a bug (instead of 100% exp and a level lower as it should be it changes now to the next level)
- EXP round by 2 decimal places
- Only for registered members the level and EXP shows up
- get_level() only gets the level or returns -1 ($act_level is set to string "Maximum" afterwards if get_level() returns a -1)

Build #1 dev

The first build has no changes.