Recent Threads On Index

by dragonexpert 20 Stars 9,896 Downloads

Displays recent threads on index. Ajax enabled.

Change Log for Recent Threads On Index

Version 20 stable Build #19

Templates are now stored as .json files which lets you easily make all themes use the same layout instead of having to edit for each theme.  You also have an option to export the templates and download the file.  Access via Admin CP->Templates & Style.

Settings are now stored as a .json file to make it easier to maintain an update and maintenance script.

There is now a setting for the refresh rate with 0 to disable refreshing.  This means no more template edits required.

Fix minor bugs and conflicts with other plugins.

Some plugin hooks have been added or modified in name.  All plugin hooks now start with recentthread_.

Version 19 stable Build #18

This version adds the option for either full path or partial path if you have breadcrumbs enabled. Added a maintenance script that can be run which can insert missing settings, database changes, or templates.  The next build is going to actually store templates and settings in json files so they can be reused easily so I don't have to duplicate a ton of code.

Version 18.0 dev Build #17

Massive changes in file structure.  Some bug fixes.

Version 17.0 dev Build #16

Bug fixes.  Deactivating and reactivating is required for this version.

Version 16.0 dev Build #15

Adds support for using it on additional pages.  A couple additional options under settings.

Version 15.0 dev Build #14

Bug fixes.

Build #13 stable

Adds the trow_shaded class to unapproved threads assuming the user is either a moderator or administrator.

Version 12 stable Build #12

Fix upgrade script.

Version 12 stable Build #11

This build incorporates XThreads into the plugin.  1 new setting is added that is for determining if you want XThread data available for thread fields.

Raw data: {$threadfields_raw[$tid]['fieldname']} This data is not formatted by XThreads.
Formatted data: {$threadfields_formatted[$tid]['fieldname']} This data is formatted by XThreads.

An update feature has been added as well.  Click the "Run Upgrade Script" link in the description.


Upload the new file to replace your old file.  Click the link in the plugin description to run the upgrade script.

Build #10 stable

Formatted thread prefixes is now an option.

Build #9 stable

Fixes vulnerability in thread subjects.

Build #8 stable

Bug Fix.

Build #7 stable

Adds an option to control which usergroups get this feature. It makes the permission for it using a function in case you want to display the threads elsewhere easier.

Build #6 stable

Adds the ability to edit length of subjects. Subject length can either be broken mid-word or after the last full word. Some general optimizations were made. The plugin also now requires 1.8.1 or higher due to some new optionscodes being added to settings.

Build #5 stable

Adds an ajax refresher.  Makes the reply count clickable.  Makes template changes automatically.  Uses a new variable to display the relative time while still keeping the old variables available in case its wanted.

Build #4 stable

Adds some settings to make it easier to customize.

Build #3 stable

Fixes the post count not showing up.

Build #2 stable

Fixes SQL error on deactivate.

Build #1 stable

The first build has no changes.