
by TheGarfield 29 Stars 15,648 Downloads

Enhances MyBB's default users profiles with comments, friend system and last visitors.

Change Log for MyProfile

Build #6 stable

MyProfile 1.2 :
- Fixed bug on adding comment, the page was not refreshing
- Fixed bug with MyAlerts 2.0
- Fixed bug in Admin CP, always showing a newer version.

Build #5 stable

MyProfile 1.1
- Fixes problems with MyAlerts that caused the whole plugin to bug.

Build #4 stable

MyProfile 1.0
- Fixes jQuery issues.
- Fixes (abstract method not inherited) problem when used with MyAlerts.
- Integrates well with MyAlerts.
- [NEW] MyProfileReferredBy bundle that shows who referred the user.
- [NEW] MyProfilePermissions bundle allows users to hide/show their profile to the public.
- MyProfileComments issues with the Edit button fixed.
- Other minor issues fixed.

Build #3 stable

Version 0.5 is a bugfix and enhancement release of MyProfile plugin.

This version supports conversion from the old ProfileComments plugin, please visit the plugin's official thread to know more :

The following enhancements have been added :
- Integration with MyBB's notification system.
- Buddylist pagination.

The following issues have been fixed :
- Minimum of comments per page lowered to 2 (previously 5).
- A blank page displays if the comment form is submitted with Javascript off and AJAX on, or on old browser than don't fire the submit event.
- Comment author link redirecting to an incorrect profile.
- Comma depending on language.
- Unnecessary post.js loaded when on profile page.

Upgrade :
- Upload the new files to your server, DEACTIVATE and ACTIVATE the plugin.

Build #2 stable

Small alertbar fix

Build #1 dev

The first build has no changes.