Extended Polls (Pollmanager)

by juventiner 18 Stars 2,217 Downloads

The Pollmanager allows you to create polls their will be show in postbit.

Change Log for Extended Polls (Pollmanager)

Version 1.7.2 stable Build #18

Version 1.7.2

  • FIX: the language variable for save on poll edit wasn't correct -> now there is a right text
  • FIX: the tables on result windows is now left binded (before default valure from body-css)
  • FIX: critical fix on update workflow. Please contact me via message if one of the last updates is crashed and you need help to repair the database or plugin
  • NEW: the votesign (little check) is now visible if you have voted and the result are hidden. So ist's possible to see every time what options you have voted
  • NEW: next to the number of saved votes you can see how much users has voted
  • NEW: Now the time when your votes are saved will be visible directly in the pollbox
  • NEW: Now it's possible to reset pollvotes, so all votes will be deleted and resetet (can be disabled in ACP)
  • IMPROVEMENT: next to the "open pollmanager" link are now the number of exist polls in the post visible
  • IMPROVEMENT: The button to save / reset votes is invisible on result window -> the post function to enter or reset votes need the postbit
  • IMPROVEMENT: some improvements on timestamp form parser for the full edit function
  • IMPROVEMENT: If the admin disable the function to undo votes, the poll creators get an note while create new polls, that they can't use the function
  • IMPROVEMENT: some (html) fixes in some templates

Update from 1.5.4 and newer
Please overwrite all files from the downloaded .zip-file. Deactive and activate the Plugin (after file upload) then in the Admin-CP.

Update from 1.5.3 and lower
Please deactivate the plugin first, overwrite then all files and actative the plugin again. Check your Plugin settings after successful update.

Version 1.7.1 stable Build #17

Version 1.7.1

  • FIX: error on fresh install while set variables in templates
  • FIX: the poll questions in polloverview (in pollmanager) are now escaped
  • FIX: language-strings in ACP-settings for "undo vote" function
  • NEW: the first edit-option is included. Now you can edit the polloptions. In the next updates i'll include all other fields. Note: This is only a first release of the edit-function.
  • NEW: behind the votebar is now a sign which options you have voted
  • NEW: delete or anonymize pollvotes on userdeletion (like your choice on delete-process)
  • NEW: if you have the permissions you can start the pollmanager directly without post edit-mode
  • NEW: in ACP you can enter a hex-code (without #) for change the resultbar color in poll results
  • IMPROVEMENT: all permissions in pollmanager are now better and stronger as before. The plugin checks now not only the post-permissions, forum-permissions are included in all checks
  • IMPROVEMENT: the last voting time will be saved
  • IMPROVEMENT: on every vote the new function will rebuild the vote counter for the poll
  • IMPROVEMENT: no linebreak after pollbar in the poll results
  • IMPROVEMENT: if you create new polls on exist post the polls will be visite direct (no post save required)
  • IMPROVEMENT: some (html) fixes in some templates

Update from 1.5.4 and newer
Please overwrite all files from the downloaded .zip-file. Deactive and activate the Plugin (after file upload) then in the Admin-CP.

Update from 1.5.3 and lower
Please deactivate the plugin first, overwrite then all files and actative the plugin again. Check your Plugin settings after successful update.

Version 1.7.0 dev Build #16

Version 1.7.0

  • FIX: error on fresh install while set variables in templates
  • FIX: the poll questions in polloverview (in pollmanager) are now escaped
  • FIX: language-strings in ACP-settings for "undo vote" function
  • NEW: the first edit-option is included. Now you can edit the polloptions. In the next updates i'll include all other fields. Note: This is only a first release of the edit-function.
  • NEW: behind the votebar is now a sign which options you have voted
  • NEW: delete or anonymize pollvotes on userdeletion (like your choice on delete-process)
  • NEW: if you have the permissions you can start the pollmanager directly without post edit-mode
  • NEW: in ACP you can enter a hex-code (without #) for change the resultbar color in poll results
  • IMPROVEMENT: all permissions in pollmanager are now better and stronger as before. The plugin checks now not only the post-permissions, forum-permissions are included in all checks
  • IMPROVEMENT: the last voting time will be saved
  • IMPROVEMENT: on every vote the new function will rebuild the vote counter for the poll
  • IMPROVEMENT: no linebreak after pollbar in the poll results
  • IMPROVEMENT: if you create new polls on exist post the polls will be visite direct (no post save required)
  • IMPROVEMENT: some (html) fixes in some templates

Update from 1.5.4 and newer
Please overwrite all files from the downloaded .zip-file. Deactive and activate the Plugin (after file upload) then in the Admin-CP.

Update from 1.5.3 and lower
Please deactivate the plugin first, overwrite then all files and actative the plugin again. Check your Plugin settings after successful update.

Version 1.6.1 stable Build #15

Version 1.6.1

  • FIX: The start and endtime uses now the correct timezone and timezone-offset settings
  • FIX: If a poll has a voteend, the button to save the users choice has shown a false value
  • NEW: New template update function implemented to update the included templates better
  • NEW: the upper right corner shows now the pollid
  • NEW: in creation workflow, now there are described how much options allowed to add to a poll
  • NEW: Now it is possible to undo the own voting. Admins can disable the function in admincp, pollcreators must enable the function on every poll (if admin doesn't disable it global). Undo voting is only possible while a poll is runnig. If a poll reaches the enddate, undo voting isn't allowed after that time.
  • IMPROVE: new function to rebuild the pollvotes
  • IMPROVE: options like "delete poll" are now an Dreop-Down menu in the pollmanager
  • IMPROVE: delete unneeded database fields from earlier versions

Update from 1.5.4 and newer
Please overwrite all files from the downloaded .zip-file. Deactive and Activate the Plugin then in the Admin-CP.

Update from 1.5.3 and lower
Please deactivate the plugin first, overwrite then all files and actative the plugin again. Check your Plugin settings after successful update.

In the next days i'll release a first version with a "light" edit-function.

Version 1.6.0 dev Build #14

Please use release 1.6.1 - there is one sql-error from 1.6.0 fixed!

Version 1.5.6 stable Build #13

Version 1.5.6
- All changes from Dev-build 1.5.5 are tested and works now
- FIX: Cache of tasks will be renew on fresh install
- FIX: Description of task will be displayd in tasklog (in ACP)
- FIX: The popups with voting result now shows a correct error if no poll exist with entered ID
- FIX: Now the plugin works full with php 7.4 and older (some php errors fixed)
- NEW: The "max. vote options" value which you can configure in ACP will now considered
- NEW: Delete and create polls is now visible in "Mod-Log" in the ModCP

Update from 1.5.4 and newer
Please overwrite only the extendedpolls.php file in the plugins directory. There are no template oder database changes included.

Update from 1.5.3 and lower
Please deactivate the plugin first, overwrite then all files and actative the plugin again. There are some changes in the database. Check your Plugin settings after successful update.

Currently i work on an edit-function and renewed templates in some cases.

Version 1.5.5 dev Build #12

Note: This is a Dev-Build because there are some small changes in source code which are untested in production systems. The changes are only chars, no new source code. The next stable build will follow soon.

Version 1.5.5
- NEW: If you update from version 1.5.4 the settings will be restored. Now settings will only delete on uninstall. If you have a version lower 1.5.4 you need to update the database
- FIX: error when no options added
- FIX: The version stored in cache wasn't deleted on uninstall
- now the information like start and endtime will show everytime (also in closed polls)

Update from 1.5.4
Please overwrite only the extendedpolls.php file in the plugins directory.

Update from lower 1.5.3
Please overwrite all files, deactivate and actative the plugin again. There are some changes in the database. Check your Plugin settings after successful update.

Version 1.5.4 stable Build #11

- FIX: MySQL Error 1364 while poll creation if "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES" is disabled on mysql server.
- NEW: small prepares for release an version/update management.
- NEW: small prepares for poll editing.

For update upload all changed files, de- and activate the plugin again in the acp.

Version 1.5.3 stable Build #10

version 1.5.3
- FIX: installation don't crash anymore

Update from version 1.5.1 or 1.5.2 to 1.5.3
You must only upload the file "inc/plugins/extendespolls.php" (no reactivation required)

Version 1.5.2 stable Build #9

version 1.5.2
- FIX: time will now be shown in the correct timezones from users (if not set from forumsettings)

Update from version 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
You must only upload the file "inc/plugins/extendespolls.php" (no reactivation required)

Build #8 stable

version 1.5.1
- FIX: scrollbar in Poll-Popups with many answers

Build #7 stable

version 1.5
- FIX: months in drop down uses now language strings
- FIX: fix little bugs in templates
- FIX: fixed bug with escaping the poll title
- FIX: fixed bug in visibility permission in "must vote" option
- FIX: polls in the pollmanager now in the correct order
- FIX: fixed bug that you can enter an empty answer in the creation workflow
- NEW: french language strings
- NEW: now admins can delete polls everytime
- NEW: now polls will be deleted if the post oder thread is deleted
- NEW: you can select usergroups which should watch the result of every poll everytime (f.e. admins and supermoderators)

Build #6 stable

version 1.4.3
- escape database inserts by langeuagepacks
- fix XSS in pollcreation workflow
- fix 3 possible SQL injections
- fix some other little bugs

With the next update i'll create the new wished functions

Build #5 dev

version 1.4.2
- escape database inserts by langeuagepacks
- fix XSS in pollcreation workflow
- fix 3 possible SQl injections
- fix some other little bugs

With the next update i'll create the new wished functions

Build #4 stable

version 1.4.1
- escape english languagestrings while insert the task in installationworkflow

Build #3 stable

version 1.4
- optimized pollmanager code
- fixed 4 possible SQL Injections
- months now in language packs availeble
- exist polls will be shown now in overview if pollmanager opend in editpost
- fixed over 10 bugs
- prepared code for poll edit function
- new methods to check permissions (it more secure than before)

Build #2 stable

Now i'll upload monthly one featureupdate!

version 1.1
- unused polls will be deleted by tasksystem
- fix start- and endtime bug
- some bugfixes

Build #1 stable

The first build has no changes.