Embeds media files without using MyCode tags.
Change Log for AutoMedia
Version 4.1.1 stable Build #22
#JavaScript updated for jQuery 3.* compatibility
#JS code tidied up
#Images replaced with unicode symbols
#5 templates (automedia_codebuttons, automedia_codebuttons_private, automedia_codebuttons_footer, automedia_ucpstatus_down, automedia_ucpstatus_up) changed
#Stylesheet automedia.css updated
#Language files updated
Version 4.1.0 stable Build #21
#Bugfix for: Youtube Playlists block embedding of other YT videos
#Added: Youtube Playlists
#Added: giphy.com, gyfcat.com, Soundcloud, Spotify Tracks + Albums, Pastebin, imgur.com, Ted Talks, Pinterest
#Veoh replaced with Mixer
#Added: link preview
#Responsive embedding improved
#1 Template (automedia_footer) changed
#Stylesheet automedia.css updated
#Language files updated
Version 4.0.2 stable Build #20
#Added: Youtube-nocookie embed
#Added: Dailymotion Short-Url dai.ly
#Bugfix for: Missing mediaplayer directory
#Bugfix for: Missing language strings for ACP setting
Version 4.0.1 stable Build #19
#Added: Embedding of several common media sites, if no embed service is selected
#Automatic embedding on quick replay improved
Version 4.0 stable Build #18
- For AutoMedia 4.0 an almost complete rewrite of the plugin was necessary to avoid the sometimes significant load of the server, which occurred with version 3. *.
- Embera and jQuery.Oembed libraries removed
- API for paid embed.ly service removed
- Flash audio player removed
- Urlembed.com service added
- Setting addded for: enable/disable embedding of local links
- Module management in ACP removed.
- Complete embedding function switched from PHP to client-side JavaScript
- Several templates removed
- Several templates modified
- Stylesheet updated
- Table "automedia" removed from database
- Language files updated
- Please note: If you're using your own custom embed modules, they will stop working with AutoMedia 4!
Version 3.1.10a stable Build #17
#Bugfix for: Embedded attachments not displayed in portal
#Bugfix for: Embedded media size partially not responsive
#Bugfix for: Embedding of local links
#Template "automedia_head" changed. (Please check "Find updates templates" in ACP)
#Bugfix for: PHP 7.2 warning during stylesheet creation
Version 3.1.10 stable Build #16
#Bugfix for: Embedded attachments not displayed in portal
#Bugfix for: Embedded media size partially not responsive
#Bugfix for: Embedding of local links
#Template "automedia_head" changed. (Please check "Find updates templates" in ACP)
Version 3.1.9 stable Build #15
#Templates version number updated
Version 3.1.9 stable Build #14
#embed.ly Code updated
#Compatibility added for MyBB 1.8.13 URL's using rel="noopener"
Version 3.1.8 stable Build #13
#Restore automedia.css on activation added
Version 3.1.7 stable Build #12
#HTTPS support for several modules added
#Several embed codes updated
Version 3.1.6 stable Build #11
#Bugfix for: If "embed.ly free" is enabled, the settings for signatures and quotes are not respected
#Bugfix for: Due to a missing line in template automedia_head, the max-width setting isn't applied
Version 3.1.5 stable Build #10
#Bugfix for: Error message on opening a new thread, if forum rules are displayed in thread list
#New settings option added for using embed.ly for free without API key
#New settings option added for Embera and oEmbed libraries
#Admin language file updated
#Template updated
#CSS elements moved from template to own theme stylesheet (automedia.css)
#Uninstall option added for deleting plugin files
#Mediaelement player updated to version 3.2.4
#Bugfix for: [amoff] tags with attachments visible in posts
Version 3.1.4 stable Build #9
#Bugfix for: permission handling in attachment module
#Bugfix for: max-width and max-height settings not applied
#Mediaelement player updated to version 3.2.3
#Several templates updated
Version 3.1.3 stable Build #8
#Embedding of video and audio attachments in posts added
(Attachments have to be inserted into the post for embedding e.g. [attachment=123])
#Setting für displaying download links of embedded attachments added
Build #7 stable
#Fullscreen mode for Mediaelement player added
#Bugfix for: quick jump arrow in quotes isn't displayed with AutoMedia enabled
Build #6 stable
#Mediaelement player updated to version 3.0.0
#Language files updated
#Fixed: mp3 module causing server error with PHP version 5.4.* and older
Build #5 stable
#Mediaelement player updated to version 2.23.4
#Embera updated to version 1.9.3
#Audio Playlist function replaced
#Several templates updated
#Several embed codes updated
#Fixed: compatibility with MyBB 1.8.8 parser
Build #4 stable
#CDN support added
#several templates updated
#PHP version check added
#Mediaelement player updated to version 2.16.3
#Embera library updated to version 1.8.5
#Embed.ly jQuery script updated to version 3.1.2
Build #3 stable
#Video count in postbit fixed
Build #2 stable
#Code optimizations
#2 templates updated
#Mediaelement player updated to version 2.16.1
#Embera updated to version 1.8.4
#Improved HTTPS support
#Embedly in print thread and archive fixed
Build #1 dev
The first build has no changes.