Extended Useradmininfo

by Flobo x3 13 Stars 2,485 Downloads

Adds some advanced information into the adminoptions on a users profile

Change Log for Extended Useradmininfo

Version 3.0.0 stable Build #12

- GeoLocation service changed from MaxMind database to service from Geolocation DB
- Possible to detect Chromium based Microsoft Edge browser
- Support for IPv6 addresses

It is required to deactivate and reactivate the plugin after uploading the new files!

Version 2.2.0 stable Build #11

Version 2.2.0

  • Moved API functionality to Plugin (API will be deactivated on December 31, 2017)
  • Some text changes
After updating the plugin you need to download the data from the MaxMind servers. You will find a short instruction in the plugins overview in the Admin CP.

Build #10 stable

- Windows 10 Technical Preview removed
- Windows 10 added
- MS Edge added

Build #9 stable

- Fixed link to API (HTTP to HTTPS)

Build #8 stable

- Windows NT version 6.4 removed, old technical previews of Windows 10 does not longer work
- Windows NT version 10.0 added

Build #7 stable

Version 2.0.0

With this update GeoIP was implemented to the plugin. So you can see, where your users come from.

This plugin communicates with my GeoIP-API which includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.

If you are using an older version of this plugin, you have to do the update in the following order:

  1. Upload the new files
  2. Deactivate the "Extended Useradmininfo" plugin
  3. Activate the "Extended Useradmininfo" plugin
  4. Check if the templates extendeduseradmininfo_geo_info and extendeduseradmininfo_view_nogeoinfos are created
If you done all these steps, the plugin should do its work without problems.

The feature does only work if your server supports allow_url_fopen. You can check this in your php.ini file.

Build #6 stable

Supports now IPv6
Uses the MyBB own database field for last ip

Build #5 stable

- Data delete when uninstall plugin, no longer when deactivate
- Bug fixed with language files

Build #4 stable

- Windows 10 supported
- Design error fixed while generating table
- Availability to check update over Admin CP

Build #3 stable

Fixed issue in version compatibility

Build #2 stable

Bug fixed with language files. They are in a wrong folder.

Build #1 stable

The first build has no changes.