Cerise ACP Style
A simplistic dark theme for the MyBB ACP.
Change Log for Cerise ACP Style
Build #5 dev
Minor changes:
* Updated Login Logo and Main Logo
* A few other minor tweaks
Build #4 dev
Minor changes:
* Updated ReadMe to reflect current MyBB Notices and footer credits to reflect collab V&W
* Updated style.php footer credits to reflect collab V&W
* A few other minor tweaks
Build #3 dev
Credits to vintagedaddyo for helping with documentation & a few other things.
- vintagedaddyo added documentation for Cerise.
- vintagedaddyo went ahead and created the ACP login to match the theme + a few other things.
Build #2 stable
- Added a custom webkit scrollbar to match the color scheme.
- Fixed pagination CSS as it was left out in the original build.
- Fixed all the other left out CSS that I could find.
Build #1 dev
The first build has no changes.