Rin Editor

by martec 20 Stars 4,687 Downloads

Rin Editor (Powerd by CKEditor)

Change Log for Rin Editor

Version 1.2.4 dev Build #73

Bug Fix: Fixed issue that when editor start on source mode the code button and php button no trigged. Reported here: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi...#p15759931

Version 1.2.3 dev Build #72

Updated to latest version of follow CKEditor plugins:

- clipboard
- fakeobjects
- widget

Ps. This isn't rebase to latest version of CKEditor, this release is only update to latest version of above plugins to mitigate the security issue of the above plugins.
More detail here: https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4/bl...ditor-4162

Version 1.2.2 dev Build #71

Compatibility issue Fixed: Fixed compatibility issue with mybb 1.8.27.

Version 1.2.1 dev Build #70

- Fixed issue that autosave feature doesn't work after CKEditor rebase
- Fixed issue that video button doesn't appear after CKEditor rebase (@Eldenroot thanks for report!)

Version 1.2.0 dev Build #69

- Rebase CKEditor to 4.16.0

Version 1.1.11 dev Build #68

Bug Fix: Fixed issue that in a specific situation the editor returns undefined. Thanks @Eldenroot for bug report! More detail here: https://github.com/martec/Rin-Editor/issues/49

Version 1.1.10 dev Build #67

Improvement: Quick Quote selection text output improvement. All credits for @Laird. Thanks @Laird for PR
More detail: https://github.com/martec/quickadveditorplus/pull/22

Version 1.1.9 dev Build #66

Bug Fix: Fixed issue that special character button not insert text in source mode.

Version 1.1.8 dev Build #65

Improvement: Include improvement of Quick Quote from Quick Advanced Editor Plus. Detail here: https://github.com/martec/quickadveditorplus/issues/18 and https://github.com/martec/quickadveditorplus/issues/20 .
All credits for @Laird. Thanks @Laird for PR
Bug Fix: Removed the function that caused conflict with other plugins.

Version 1.1.7 dev Build #64

Improvement: Add all icons from each skin in sprite icons.png

Version 1.1.6 dev Build #63

Improvement: Table support improvement, increase compatibility. (only for people using table plugin detail here: https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1359682)
- Added support to "width" and align to table tag.
- Added support to align to td tag.

Important: If you used table plugin before this version, you must update following mycode: table, td and th. The new mycode here: https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1359682

Version 1.1.5 dev Build #62

Improvement: Monocolor-Dark skin: Dialog style improvement.

Version 1.1.4 dev Build #61

Bug Fix: Fixed issue that sometimes the "Do not replace selected text" option is ignored.

Version 1.1.3 dev Build #60

Bug Fix: Fixed issue that only rin-moonocolor skin display "SCEditor style like Smile Box" dropbox size correct
Enhacement: Added customized "moono-dark" skin
Improvement: Location to put icon for "Add new button" is changed. Now path is root/jscripts/rin/editor/skins/[yourskin]/icons, so you can set different icon for each skin to match with respective skin.
Improvement: Replaced icons to match with respective skin

Version 1.1.2 dev Build #59

Bug Fix: Fixed spacing issue of 1.1.1
Enhacement: Added unofficial support for background text color.

Version 1.1.1 dev Build #58

Enhancement: Replaced old custom php and code plugin to customized codeSnippet plugin
Improvement: Quote tag improvement, in visual mode now show "xxxx wrote:"
Improvement: Table support improvement, increase compatibility when you are going to edit a post containing table. (only for people using table plugin detail here: https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1359682)

Version 1.1.0 dev Build #57

Bug Fix: Force updateElement() when submit. Try fix issue like that https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1359805 . I don't know if this patch work against this issue because i can't reproduce.

Version 1.0.9 dev Build #56

Bug Fix: Fix editor breaking in private message send page. More detail here https://github.com/martec/Rin-Editor/pull/44
Thanks Omar G. for PR.

Version 1.0.8 dev Build #55

Enhancement: Unofficial support for base64 images. More detail here: https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1359753

Version 1.0.7 dev Build #54

Bug fix: When the option "Show the MyCode formatting options on the posting pages." is deselected, result in console error.

Version 1.0.6 dev Build #53

Bug fix: Fixed an issue where the plug-in ignored the user's option to disable the editor completely. Reported here: https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1359704
Thanks Omar G. for bug report!

Version 1.0.5 dev Build #52

Bug Fix: In source mode the toolbar color button return incorrect value.
Enhancement: Added on/off the plugin configuration to resize the image.

Version 1.0.4 dev Build #51

Added the possibility to define the black textarea for each theme (Go to plugin thread https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422.html and check the first post of "How install new skin in Rin Editor v 1.0.4 or above:" section to learn how to set the textarea to black.)

Version 1.0.3 dev Build #50

Fixed missing url/link button. Reported here: https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1359470
Thanks Eldenroot for report!

Version 1.0.2 dev Build #49

Bug fix: "SCEditor style like Smile Box" using "moono-lisa" theme bug fixed. Reported here https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi...#p15307671

Version 1.0.1 dev Build #48

Bug fix: Fixed issue with autosave feature

Version 1.0.0 dev Build #47

- Update CKEditor from 4.7 to 4.16.0-dev

Version 0.9.7 dev Build #46

Bug Fix:
- fixed parser issue (reported here https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1329566)
- fixed size tag issue (reported here https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1330682)

Version 0.9.6 dev Build #45

Bug Fix:
- fixed issue with quote tag

Version 0.9.5 dev Build #44

Bug Fix:
- fixed issue with Rin-moono-lisa skin (reported here https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1325030)

- Updated video plugin (added twitch and mixer)

- removed bidi plugin (due limitation of bbcode plugin)

Version 0.9.4 dev Build #43

- Avoid convert bbcode inside of code and php tag in wysiwyg mode (Ps. This isn't work in all situation)

Version 0.9.3 dev Build #42

Bug Fix:
- Try fix bug that using mobile or chrome 73 result in empty value. (doesn't possible reproduce issue, so trying)

Version 0.9.2 dev Build #41

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue that empty tag is removed

Version 0.9.1 dev Build #40

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue with paragraph (reported here https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1321632)

- Moved imgur language (ckeditor language file) to language file of plugin (reported here https://github.com/martec/Rin-Editor/issues/30)

Version 0.9.0 dev Build #39

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue with font size tag (reported here https://github.com/martec/Rin-Editor_for.../issues/36)
- Fixed Quick Edit: Error On Multiple Clicks To Quick Edit Link (reported here https://github.com/martec/Rin-Editor/issues/19)

- Added Bidi plugin (support only in wysiwyg mode) (reported here https://github.com/martec/Rin-Editor_for.../issues/37)
- Removed title when hover in editor (like "Rich Text Editor" title)
- Removed image size customization (reported here https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1306846)

Version 0.8.10 dev Build #38

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue with quote tag (reported here https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi...#p14811921)

Version 0.8.9 dev Build #37

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue with code tag

Version 0.8.8 dev Build #36

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue with quote tag.

Version 0.8.7 dev Build #35

Fixed issue with last relase

Version 0.8.7 dev Build #34

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue with quick quote feature

Version 0.8.6 dev Build #33

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue when using align tag inside of quote tag.

Version 0.8.5 dev Build #32

- Now Quick Quote feature support android device.

Version 0.8.4 dev Build #31

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue with emoticons

Version 0.8.3 dev Build #30

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue with list tag. Reported here https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi...#p14767841

Version 0.8.2 dev Build #29

Bug Fix:
- Fixed issue with smile. Issue reported here https://community.mybb.com/thread-189422...pid1245804

Version 0.8.1 dev Build #28

- Added more button for color button
- Option added in ACP to avoid overwriting selected text
- Partial mode added in ACP

Version 0.8.0 dev Build #27

Updated CKEditor version from 4.5.8 to 4.7.0

Version 0.7.5 dev Build #26

Bug fix: https://github.com/martec/Rin-Editor/issues/16

Build #25 dev

Bug Fix:
- Fix Quick Quote replace smiley with a different one

Build #24 dev

Bug Fix:
- Fix issue with style

- Quick Quote enhancement

Build #23 dev

Bug Fix:
- Fix issue with installation

Build #22 dev

Bug Fix:
- Fix issue with vbquote support

Build #20 dev

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed several issue with list tag.
- Fixed issue with auto-save in source mode.

Build #19 dev

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue that magic line not appear in align tag.

Build #18 dev

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue of image with align button

Build #17 dev

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with selected text in source mode (link button and img button)

Build #16 dev

- Fixed mistake in 0.6.14

Build #15 dev

- Now style of font and font size match with mybb default style.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with align tag.

Build #14 dev

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with video button

Build #13 dev

- Option on/off in ACP to not show auto-saved notification.
- Option on/off in ACP to load editor in source mode when mobile device detected.
- Enhancement in escape function of smileys.

Build #12 dev

- The editor will automatically detect that you are using mobile and editor automatically loads in source mode, regardless of mode selected by the user in usercp.

Build #11 dev

Bugs Fixs:
- Fix auto-save feature not work correctly in source mode.
- Fix issue with emotion that used interrogation symbol.
- Fix issue in quick quote feature that only convert smiley in main group.
- Fix issue when clicked in "preview post" add extra br tag.
- Fix issue with add extra button with description not read image file.
- Fix issue in mobile impossible add url in video popup.

- Auto Save feature try read canonical link if available (canonical link generated by google SEO plugin).

Build #10 dev

- Fix issue that CKEditor remove class style in paste content in WebKit/Blink (https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev...in.js#L135), this causes issue in code tag and php tag so replaced class to attributes.

Build #9 dev

- Removed contextmenu plugin of CKEditor (avoid popup in paste text)

Build #8 dev

- Probably fixed issue with double scrollbar in smile box.
- Fix issue with regex of smile.
- Add option to use CKEditor or SCEditor style smile box.

Build #7 dev

- Some changes in Auto Save function
- Some changes in Smiley function

Build #6 dev

- Fix issue in language file

Build #5 dev

- Fix issue with regex.

Build #4 dev

- Added laguage setting in ACP
- Fix issue in quick quote and new replay that not possible move cursor to outside of quote tag.

Build #3 dev

- Fix issue that after quote not initialize in new line.

Build #2 dev

Fix issue with extra buttons feature.

Build #1 dev

The first build has no changes.