Username Change Approval, Limit and History

by Starpaul20 22 Stars 3,954 Downloads

Allows you to moderate username changes, limit username changes in a specific time period, and log all username changes.

Change Log for Username Change Approval, Limit and History

Version 1.5 stable Build #7

- Bug: Fixed Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings
- Added check to see if THIS_SCRIPT is defined
- Fixed PHP 8.0 errors
- Use my_serialize
- Use require_once for template updates

Version 1.4 stable Build #6

- Optimized PNG image
- Sanitized usernames
- Updated language string
- Updated numeric settings
- Removed PHP closing tags
- Use THIS_SCRIPT for template caching
- Handle display of deleted users in log
- Bug: Fixed PHP 7.2 does not cast unquoted string literals to strings
- Updated setting display order

Version 1.3.1 stable Build #5

- Added missing upgrade support

Version 1.3 stable Build #4

- Added Mod CP approval page
- Added ability to delete username change

Version 1.2 stable Build #3

- Added PostgreSQL and SQLite support
- Using generate_numeric_field function
- Changed (int)$mybb->input to $mybb->get_input
- Moved hardcoded HTML to template
- Updated cache delete function
- Update check queries on change name page
- Use simple_select for simple query
- General file cleanup

Version 1.1 stable Build #2

- Added ability to prune username change history
- Added Admin CP notice of pending username changes awaiting approval
- Cached and updated front end notice template
- Converted javascript
- Updated old cache function
- Bug: Forced redirect page after changing username if change needs approval

Version 1.0 stable Build #1

The first build has no changes.