Add emoji reactions to posts
Change Log for MyReactions
Build #6 stable
Fixes bug with hardcoded table prefix and XSS bug when reacting to posts. Thanks to myudev and Cu8eeeR/Eldenroot for the fixes/reports. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/myreactions.php
Build #5 stable
Fixes bug where button to add reactions was displayed to guests
Build #4 stable
Missed version number bump
Build #3 stable
Fixes issue with forums in subdirectories, and fixes CSRF issue with adding and removing reactions. To upgrade, reupload ./inc/plugins/myreactions.php and ./jscripts/myreactions.js. Thanks to Devilshakerz for the CSRF tip (and my bad for forgetting to do it in the first place)
Build #2 stable
Including some missing images
Build #1 stable
The first build has no changes.