Trash Bin

by Burnacid 15 Stars 1,963 Downloads

Creates a trash bin in the ACP where you can recover permanent deleted threads and posts

Change Log for Trash Bin

Version 1.1.5 stable Build #11

Added support for PHP 8

Special Thanks to SvePu

Version 1.1.4 stable Build #10

All XSS and CSRF fixed by 0xB9 all credits to his work

Version 1.1.3 stable Build #9

Small bugfix plugin library giving an error

Version 1.1.2 stable Build #8

Fixed SQL error when deleting Post or Thread by escaping IP address from posts

Version 1.1.1 stable Build #7

  • Fixed small bug $mybb as global var

Version 1.1 stable Build #6

  • Automaticly remove times after X days

  • Viewing the threads and posts within the ACP

Version 0.2.3 dev Build #5

  • Fixed bug arround tags column

Version 0.2.2 dev Build #4

  • Fixed error around tags column

Version 0.2.1 dev Build #3

  • Fixed small issue with overwriting $page
  • Removed Tags collumn from table

Version 0.2 dev Build #2

  • [Added] Pages

  • [Fixed] Sorted list descending

  • [Fixed] Check if forum still exists before restoring thread

Version 0.1 dev Build #1

The first build has no changes.