Build #5

Change Log

This is a Major update, because we have redesigned almost everything.

- Now all the forms are fully supported in mobile view ... and lot, lot more.
- UCP and MCP menu are now moved to sidebar that is collapsible.
- We have added Announcements, Social share buttons, Quick search on index page, all the images (ecept post icons) are replaced with font Awesome icons.
- Now Bootstrap 3 is fully implemented with the minimum of overrides ...
- Since NetPen uses Bootstrap Framework, Glyphicons are supported too.
- Almost 90% of tables are turned into divs ...
- portal.php, memberlist.php, private.php, stats.php, member profile etc ... these are all 100% responsive now and redesigned too.

Theme Documentations are included now too.

This is MyBB 1.8.8 compatible Theme version.
Once again, thank you so much for using NetPen theme.

Date Uploaded
2016-10-26, 12:16 PM
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File Size
1.13 MB
MyBB Versions

Development Build

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