Hide from users and/or Guests

by thor2705 2 Stars 867 Downloads

It is hiding parts or all message, links, images, quotes, code, attachments.. from users and or guests

License for Hide from users and/or Guests - EDI Design Software free plugin

Hide from Guest v 2.1:
License Agreement
October 11, 2018
© edidesign.ro

1. "EDI" stand as the short forms for "EdiDesign Inc software", and "edidesign.ro" and "www.ignea.ro" as the official websites for EdiDesign Inc software and its associated packages.
2. "The package" stands for all files within any archive file or any group of files related to EdiDesign Inc software and released through or on behalf of edidesign.ro and/or EdiDesign Inc.
3. The main copyright holder is defined as Eduard Ignea.
4. "© EdiDesign.ro" automatically refers to the aforementioned current copyright holders.
5. "Distribution" means allowing one or more other people to download or receive in any way a copy of the package, or part of it, free of charge or for a price.
6. "A modification" is defined as an instruction, or set of instructions, to need to be performed manually or automatically, and that will alter any part of the package.
7. 3rd-party packages are defined as packages obtained through 3rd-party sources, and are neither written, nor published by the copyright holders of Hide from Guest v 2.1.

This package is provided "as is" and without any warranty. Any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the authors and/or copyright holders be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages arising in any way out of the use or misuse of the package.

1. All copyright notices in source files or otherwise generated shall remain intact without modification, unless being given written permission from the copyright holders. The name of the package and links to associated websites must remain in clear view for all users.
2. Distribution of this package is not allowed unless being given written permission from the copyright holders.
3. You may modify the package, or one or more of its files, to the extent that you remain in full compliance of the aforementioned clauses.
4. Distribution of modifications is allowed, to the extent that you remain in full compliance of the aforementioned clauses.
5. The copyright holders retain the right to change this agreement, or parts of it, without any prior notice, at any time. It is the user's responsibility to make sure their knowledge of the license agreement is up to date. The copyright holders will communicate any changes through the edidesign.ro or ignea.ro websites.
6. Upon neglecting one or more clauses of the above, the license will automatically terminate. Upon termination the user must destroy all of their copies of the package within 24 hours. The copyright holders shall take action against any license agreement breach at their discretion.
7. All ownership & contractual rights of any 3rd-party package that may be provided with this package remain in possession of their respective copyright holders. The Add Bot copyright holders do not
retain any ownership or rights over them, unless written otherwise, for instance in the case any 3rd-party package uses parts of the Add Bot package's source code.
8. You are not allowed to sell or lease the modification, or part thereof. You are not allowed to sell anything based on the modification, or code that requires the modification to be installed, without the copyright holders' written consent.
9. You shall not install and/or use Add Bot on a website that encourages and/or endorses violence, hate and/or any kind of bigotry. Be nice to each other!
10. THIS IS NOT A PRODUCT. THIS IS A LABOR OF LOVE. You may neither call Hide from Guest v 2.1 a "product", nor request to be considered as a "customer".
11. Which means if you are not happy with it, your only right is to uninstall it. You may not demand any support, help or consideration regarding your issues. If you want help, ask for it nicely. Remember that no one is getting paid for this. You may get help, but you must not expect it.
12. Insulting the authors or starting fights on discussion topics related to Hide from Guest v 2.1 *may* result in the authors terminating your right to use the Hide from Guest v 2.1 software. Failure to comply to any other rule in the agreement *will* automatically terminate your right to use the Hide from Guest v 2.1 software.

Just so that we're clear on this: if you don't like the software or its authors, don't use it.