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Diogo Parrinha's Projects

MySubscriptions allows board administrators to setup PayPal subscriptions on their MyBB forum.

0 Stars 428 Downloads 2021-10-04, 09:37 AM

Purchase Credits allows board administrators to setup points packages on their MyBB forum to be purchased by users.

2 Stars 297 Downloads 2021-10-04, 09:35 AM

Users can hide portions of their posts by using [hide]content[/hide] within their message.

3 Stars 316 Downloads 2021-10-04, 09:33 AM

My Achievements lets you setup various types of achievements that motivate your members to be more active.

0 Stars 151 Downloads 2021-10-04, 09:38 AM

MyDownloads is the best and most powerful downloads manager for MyBB.

3 Stars 373 Downloads 2021-10-04, 09:01 AM