Disposable Email Blacklist (Updated - 2020)

by enespalit 6 Stars 1,231 Downloads

Blocks 7831 known anonymous, disposable, or spam email providers or services. This is the newest version of the plugin. Please feel free to suggest more blacklsited email providers.

Project Details

# MyBB Disposable Email Blacklist (Updated - 2020)

Now blocks 1308 more disposable email providers than previous update.

MyBB Plugin which blocks 7831 known anonymous, disposable, or spam email providers or services.

Originally created by Depressurize and updated by Stardust342, I have merged both plugins into one and used martensons git (https://github.com/martenson/disposable-email-domains) as update source.

Original Plugin Link (Depressurize): http://community.mybb.com/mods.php?action=view&pid=293

Original Plugin Link (Stardust342): https://community.mybb.com/mods.php?action=view&pid=603


1) Merge the inc folder with the one on the root directory of your MyBB Webserver.

2) Activate it from your Plugin Configuration page of your MyBB Website.

Deactivate it from your Plugin Configuration page of your MyBB Website.

Please feel free to suggest more blacklisted email providers.
