RT Camo Proxy (Image Proxy)

by RevertIT 2 Stars 149 Downloads

RT Camo Proxy is a plugin which camouflages images inside posts and prevent 3rd-party image hosting obtaining visitors IP addresses. Instead your server will get image and serve it directly (and ask browser to cache it).

Project Details

RT Camo Proxy
Is a plugin which camouflages images inside posts and prevent 3rd-party image hosting obtaining visitors IP addresses. Instead your server will get image and serve it directly (and ask browser to cache it).

Camo Private key can be any random string.

  • Fix unsecure (http://) images to be proxied by your domain.
  • Camouflage images to prevent ip-address sniffing on users from 3rd-party sites.
  • Set which usersgroups can use this feature
  • Set cache time for browsers to cache image
  • Set default "Not found" image when we can't load an image

  1. Copy the directories from the plugin inside your root MyBB installation.
  2. Settings for the plugin are located in the "Plugin Settings" tab. /admin/index.php?module=config-settings

  1. Deactivate the plugin.
  2. Replace the plugin files with the new files.
  3. Activate the plugin again.

  1. Uninstall the plugin from your plugin manager.
  2. Optional: Delete all the RT Camo Proxy plugin files from your MyBB folder.

#Feature request
Open a new idea by clicking here
