Extended Polls (Pollmanager)

by juventiner 18 Stars 2,216 Downloads

The Pollmanager allows you to create polls their will be show in postbit.

Project Details

Please read the update instructions on bottom of this page!

The Pollmanager allows you to create extended polls they will be show in postbit. You have more functions to personalize your poll to your needs. The following functions are included:

Create a poll
  • Start time and end time adjustable
  • hide results until the end
  • hide results has to be voted
  • selection between radio buttons and checkboxes
  • selection may be for as many answers voted maximum
  • choose if it's allowed to undo vote (only if admin enable this function)
  • creation only possible if forumpermission allow to create polls
  • possible to create polls in newthread, newreply and editpost
  • full language support
  • Guests may vote more than once with an IP address?
  • Should it still possible to create MyBB own polls to?
  • After how much hours unsed polls should be deleted by tasksystem?
  • Which usergroups is it allowed to watch the results before votetime is ending?
  • Should it be possible to undo the own votes?
Showthread (postbit)
  • poll is displayed between postcontent and signature
  • vote polls from postbit (if permission allow it)
  • view poll result
  • MyCode, Smilies and badwordfilter are active
  • undefined number of polls per post possible
  • undo your own votes while a poll is running
This functions will released coming soon
  • edit polls until nobody vote them

english and german (deutsch_du, deutsch_sie) files are included!
You can find french in the language downloads.

Update from 1.5.4 and newer
Please overwrite all files from the downloaded .zip-file. Deactivate and activate the Plugin then in the Admin-CP. While reactivation some template and database changes will runnig in background. It needs only seconds.

Update from 1.5.3 and lower
Please deactivate the plugin first, overwrite then all files and actative the plugin again. Check your Plugin settings after successful update.
Don't unistall the plugin! It's nessesary to deactivate the plugin before upload and overwrite the file because with version 1.5.4 i implement a new update-management with critical database changes!


2014-10-18, 04:10 PM
Last Updated
2021-01-26, 08:42 PM
Bug Tracking
MyBB Versions