Mobile MyBB 1.8

by rickey29 11 Stars 7,582 Downloads

Mobile MyBB 1.8 (MMyBB18) is a mobile-friendly MyBB 1.8 theme.

Project Details

Mobile MyBB 1.8 Readme
version: 1.6.0
last update: Sun., Jun. 25, 2017

Mobile MyBB 1.8 (MMyBB18) is a mobile-friendly MyBB 1.8 theme.

It only provides essential mobile related functions, it does not support all MyBB 1.8 features.

For more information, please go to: .

Please do NOT use this software when you are driving -- looking at mobile screen while driving is very dangerous.  If you are a webmaster, please forward this caution to your end users.


Open Issue
-- Do NOT support reCAPTCHA at this time.

This version is developed based on MyBB version 1.8.0 to 1.8.12.

Please refer to package "install.txt" file for detail.

Personalize Page Header and Footer
The following variable content within "inc/languages/english/mmybb18.lang.php" will be displayed on the header of each mobile-friendly web page.  You can update this variable to show your web site logo and/or advertisement.
-- $l['personal_header']

The following variable content within "inc/languages/english/mmybb18.lang.php" will be displayed on the footer of mobile-friendly homepage.  You can update this variable to show your web site information.
-- $l['personal_footer']

If you have other language(s) than English, please update your language file(s) as I do for "inc/languages/english/mmybb18.lang.php".

Frequent Ask Question
Please refer to my web site: "" for detail discussion.

Since I often have to update this section after I release the package, so I provide the questions and answers on my web site instead of here.

version 1.6.0 (Sun., Jun. 25, 2017)
-- retrofit

version 1.5.0 (Sat., Jan. 07, 2017)
-- bug fix: theme switching issue from quick theme select and/or user profile
-- bug fix: scrolling issue for registration

version 1.4.0 (Mon., Jul. 25, 2016)
-- bug fix: remove register feature because of scroll issue

version 1.3.0 (Fri., Dec. 25, 2015)
-- retrofit

version 1.0.0 (Sat., Aug. 01, 2015)
-- new feature: post thread
-- new feature: new reply

version 0.1.0 (Sun., May 24, 2015)
-- rewrite based on plugin style

version 0.0.0 (Thur., Apr. 09, 2015)
-- primary development

To Do List
-- Convert more pages into mobile-friendly ones.

author: Rickey Gu
email: [email protected]

Copyright and Disclaimer
This application is open-source software released under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3: "".