MyBB Dark

by Lunorian 11 Stars 6,383 Downloads

MyBB Dark is a twist of the default MyBB theme in that everything is darkened.

Project Details

ON THE STATE OF MYBB DARK DEVELOPMENT: Hi everyone, for quite sometime I have not released an update to MyBB Dark, I am working on a complete rewrite of the theme which I expect to be better than ever before. I hope to release this rewrite in March 2018. Cheers - Lunorian :-)

MyBB Dark is a twist of the default MyBB theme in that everything is darkened.

About the theme:
  • A few other minor touchups to the design were made to keep everything working with the darker color scheme. 
  • Everything was designed to keep everything is close to the default theme as possible (other than the colors of course).
  • The theme's colors are easier on the eyes at night.
  • Released under the GPL Version 3 license
Install instructions:
  • Import the XML File through the ACP.
  • Upload to images folder to your web server.
