Thumbnail of attachment in threadlist
..hello sirs, I had this in my board at 1.6.3 but when I upgraded to 1.6.6 my images vanished although tha attachment in the first post is still there...I tried to retrace back the instructions in the first posts of this thread but when I go to forumdisplay I cannot find this anymore

PHP Code:
$attachment_count = '';

so, I can't continue with the instructions anymore...can someone help? as I really need to return those images in the threads...thank you kind sirs
...this is what I find in the forumsdisplay

<title>{$mybb->settings['bbname']} - {$foruminfo['name']} </title>
<script type="text/javascript">
lang.no_new_posts = "{$lang->no_new_posts}";
lang.click_mark_read = "{$lang->click_mark_read}";
// -->
^ forumdisplay.php file needs to be modified ; required code is around lines 1185 - 1188 ( use notepad++ to edit file )
...I opened the file itself in notepad and with the help of "search", I typed "$attachment_count =" I had to look very closely because there were I think 3 instances where it appeared, when I found a match, I then inserted the code...

...its so very hard for a struggling regular board owner like me doing this, but I did it somehow...I think I'm gonna cry now...I'm off to a new problem now after this which is the SEO Legacy Plug in, man....

...ranjani thanks for replying back

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Great mod! But I also want to use the first image of the post [IMG] [/ IMG] (or <IMG when we use HTML in posts) without using attachments.

How can we do?
Can someone please help us? Smile

Thank you!
(2012-03-21, 10:45 PM)Divvy Wrote: Great mod! But I also want to use the first image of the post [IMG] [/ IMG] (or <IMG when we use HTML in posts) without using attachments.

How can we do?
Can someone please help us? Smile

Thank you!

Yes, that would interest me too. But the most important for me would be, and thats why I think a Mod would be better for this, that I can limit the use of these functionality to a specific number of forums, not to all.

But I suppose that would be only possible with a Mod, unfortunately.

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Thank you guys.
its working superb.
but i want some modification.
1.i need fix size of thumbnail on thread list rather than actual size of thumbnail show inside to set width and height of thumbnail on thread list? i need 96x72 can i make thread text link in center?
how to use it by using the [img] img url [/img] and also worked for attacment ?

please help.
i follow this topic for answer of this common question :

I want to use the first image of the post [IMG] [/ IMG] without using attachments. How can I do?
Hi, this code working perfectly in mybb 1.8 forumdisplay.php
but how to show thumbnail of attachment in portal.php ?
Can anyone help me, please ?
(2014-09-25, 02:28 AM)anhmjn Wrote: Hi, this code working perfectly in mybb 1.8 forumdisplay.php
but how to show thumbnail of attachment in portal.php ?
Can anyone help me, please ?

nah... i waiting tut for this questing too..
and please give tut with eval on template list

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