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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago Cloudflare SSL and MyBB
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago
Hi Guys,
Been trying to find the answer to my questions about this since yesterday but still can't find the exact answer I'm looking for so I'm turning on the forums to ask. I plan to build our Forum using MyBB 1.8 I registered yesterday our domain to Cloudflare and I was looking into using CF's 'Flexible SSL' since it's Free and It'll add a good green look on our simple domain. I wanted to know if there any specific tutorial or something like that that I can read on and implement so that CF's Flexible SSL will work on the Forum that I'll be building.

I already looked into the htaccess rewrite rule but am unsure since the examples that I can find are for 'normal' sites or  cms ones.
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago
hi ...
i have written this ... read it... you will understand how to do cloudflare ssl with mybb Smile
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago
(2015-08-31, 12:22 PM)jyotirmoy99 Wrote: hi ...
i have written this ... read it... you will understand how to do cloudflare ssl with mybb Smile

Err, thanks but it's a pretty simple setup that I already know/done and doesn't have any in-depth information for MyBB.
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago
(2015-08-31, 12:42 PM)liisyaoron Wrote:
(2015-08-31, 12:22 PM)jyotirmoy99 Wrote: hi ...
i have written this ... read it... you will understand how to do cloudflare ssl with mybb Smile

Err, thanks but it's a pretty simple setup that I already know/done and doesn't have any in-depth information for MyBB.

After enabling it in the CloudFlare panel all you need to do is change the default URL in MyBB settings to one using the https:// protocol and change any hardcoded links in templates, such as headerinclude (if any are present). You can also force your website to redirect visitors to HTTPS from HTTP using .htaccess rules. One issue you might have problems with is mixed content - images and videos in posts, signatures and avatars from other websites linked to using the unsecure http:// protocol, which need to be blocked so they don't trigger warnings in web browsers and don't downgrade the security of HTTPS you're about to start using - DVZ Secure Content plugin might be of help.
devilshakerz.com/pgp (DF3A 34D9 A627 42E5 BC6A 6750 1F2F B8AA 28FF E1BC) ▪ keybase.io/devilshakerz
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago
(2015-08-31, 12:52 PM)Devilshakerz Wrote:
(2015-08-31, 12:42 PM)liisyaoron Wrote:
(2015-08-31, 12:22 PM)jyotirmoy99 Wrote: hi ...
i have written this ... read it... you will understand how to do cloudflare ssl with mybb Smile

Err, thanks but it's a pretty simple setup that I already know/done and doesn't have any in-depth information for MyBB.

After enabling it in the CloudFlare panel all you need to do is change the default URL in MyBB settings to one using the https:// protocol and change any hardcoded links in templates, such as headerinclude (if any are present). You can also force your website to redirect visitors to HTTPS from HTTP using .htaccess rules. One issue you might have problems with is mixed content - images and videos in posts, signatures and avatars from other websites linked to using the unsecure http:// protocol, which need to be blocked so they don't trigger warnings in web browsers and don't downgrade the security of HTTPS you're about to start using - DVZ Secure Content plugin might be of help.
Thanks for this, there are certainly new info that I can take on. I still haven't installed MyBB yet, would you advice on me using or setting HTTPS during install? My domain is currently setup to Force use HTTPS via Cloudflare's Page rules as well as htaccess using:

RewriteEngine On

# Force HTTPS
RewriteCond %{HTTP:CF-Visitor} '"scheme":"http"'
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://domain.ext/$1 [L]

Eagerly waiting for your reply.
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago
The Board URL can be set during the installation - replace http with https if that's not the case already; there also might be a port appended at the end (e.g. example.com:443), which can be removed.
If you have set forcing HTTPS in the CF panel, the .htaccess modification shouldn't be needed.
devilshakerz.com/pgp (DF3A 34D9 A627 42E5 BC6A 6750 1F2F B8AA 28FF E1BC) ▪ keybase.io/devilshakerz
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago
(2015-08-31, 01:18 PM)Devilshakerz Wrote: The Board URL can be set during the installation - replace http with https if that's not the case already; there also might be a port appended at the end (e.g. example.com:443), which can be removed.
If you have set forcing HTTPS in the CF panel, the .htaccess modification shouldn't be needed.

Thanks for your reply! I might be able to start installing MyBB is a couple of minutes. I see, I've done the htaccess modification thinking that it was like a 2-Part thing with CF's Flexible SSL, good to know it isn't. Last question would be, if I remove the 'port' that's appended there wouldn't be any problems or issues, right?

Thank you for your help!
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago
hi, you need to do nothing Big Grin go to Cloudflare page rule...
www.yoursite.com to -------> https://yoursite.com
yoursite.com to --------> https://yoursite.com and its all done.. Big Grin

but remember cloudflare ssl is not good for mobile specially for opera browser Toungue
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago
(2015-08-31, 01:27 PM)liisyaoron Wrote: Last question would be, if I remove the 'port' that's appended there wouldn't be any problems or issues, right?

Correct, everything should run smoothly.

(2015-08-31, 01:39 PM)jyotirmoy99 Wrote: but remember cloudflare ssl is not good for mobile specially for opera browser Toungue
Yes, there can be problems with some very old browsers.
devilshakerz.com/pgp (DF3A 34D9 A627 42E5 BC6A 6750 1F2F B8AA 28FF E1BC) ▪ keybase.io/devilshakerz
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago
Just to clarify about the browser limitations....

The free SSL offered through Universal SSL works off of SNI, which will only work with modern browsers and operating systems. This limitation is not a CloudFlare limitation & is more of a limitation due to the SNI standards.
Damon, CloudFlare Community
Tips for using MyBB with CloudFlare
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