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Not Solved Some posts have timestamp but no datestamp
Not Solved
I don't know when this issue first came up, I just saw it a few minutes ago.
Some posts in my forum have a timestamp, but no datestamp.
See e.g. here: #11
The first entry always has the stamp, sometimes also some more posts. The relative timestamp (e.g. "4 hours ago") also works. See here: https://thunderbirdclub.de/forum/thread-566.html

In other threads everything's fine, e.g. here: https://thunderbirdclub.de/forum/thread-415.html

As I already read, that this might have to do something with the postbit template, here it is:
<a name="pid{$post['pid']}" id="pid{$post['pid']}"></a>
<div class="post{$post['styleclass']} {$unapproved_shade}" style="{$post_visibility}" id="post_{$post['pid']}">
<div class="post_author">
	<div class="author_information">
			<strong><span class="largetext">{$post['profilelink']}</span></strong> {$post['onlinestatus']}<br />
			<span class="smalltext">
				Rang: {$post['usertitle']}<br />
	<div class="author_statistics">
<div class="post_content">
	<div class="post_head">
		<span class="post_date">{$post['postdate']} <span class="post_edit" id="edited_by_{$post['pid']}">{$post['editedmsg']}{$post['edithistory']}</span></span>
	<div class="post_body scaleimages" id="pid_{$post['pid']}">

	<div class="post_meta" id="post_meta_{$post['pid']}">
<div style="{$post['tyl_display']}" id="tyl_{$post['pid']}">{$post['thankyoulike_data']}</div>
<div class="post_controls">
	<div class="postbit_buttons author_buttons float_left">
	<div class="postbit_buttons post_management_buttons float_right">
</div><br />{myadvertisements[zone_3]}
Not Solved
looks like German language pack is not up to date.
phrases like yesterday , today are not appearing.
if you select English language then posts date should appear normal.
Not Solved
That was the problem. Thank you!
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