Name: Awaiting Activation Message
Description: Shows a message to people awaiting activation my email or admin.
Author: MattRogowski
Version: 1.2
Compatibility: 1.4.x
Files: 1
Templates added: 1
Template changes: 1
Settings added: 5 (1 group)
To Install:
Upload ./inc/plugins/aamessage.php to ./inc/plugins/
Go to ACP > Plugins > Activate
Go to ACP > Configuration > Awaiting Activation Message Settings > Configure settings > Save.
This plugin will add a message to the header of your forums if a member is awaiting activation, and you have account activation set to either email or admin activation.
You can choose to turn the message on or off, specify a different title for the email/admin message, and a different message for the email/admin message.
The message will display in your theme's style.
You may edit for your own personal forum but must not redistribute it in any form without my permission.
Change Log:
24/01/09 - v0.1 -> v1.0
28/01/09 - v1.0 -> v1.1 -> Deactivate v1.0, upload v1.1, activate. 2 settings removed.
08/05/09 - v1.1 -> v1.1.1 -> Minor changes to files, upload new version, overwrite old, no need to deactivate.
10/05/09 - v1.1.1 -> v1.2 -> Message is now at the the top of all pages, no longer collapsible. Deactivate, reupload ./inc/plugins/aamessage.php, activate.
Download: (Size: 123.72 KB / Downloads: 401)
Also available on the Mods site.
Description: Shows a message to people awaiting activation my email or admin.
Author: MattRogowski
Version: 1.2
Compatibility: 1.4.x
Files: 1
Templates added: 1
Template changes: 1
Settings added: 5 (1 group)
To Install:
Upload ./inc/plugins/aamessage.php to ./inc/plugins/
Go to ACP > Plugins > Activate
Go to ACP > Configuration > Awaiting Activation Message Settings > Configure settings > Save.
This plugin will add a message to the header of your forums if a member is awaiting activation, and you have account activation set to either email or admin activation.
You can choose to turn the message on or off, specify a different title for the email/admin message, and a different message for the email/admin message.
The message will display in your theme's style.
You may edit for your own personal forum but must not redistribute it in any form without my permission.
Change Log:
24/01/09 - v0.1 -> v1.0
28/01/09 - v1.0 -> v1.1 -> Deactivate v1.0, upload v1.1, activate. 2 settings removed.
08/05/09 - v1.1 -> v1.1.1 -> Minor changes to files, upload new version, overwrite old, no need to deactivate.
10/05/09 - v1.1.1 -> v1.2 -> Message is now at the the top of all pages, no longer collapsible. Deactivate, reupload ./inc/plugins/aamessage.php, activate.
Download: (Size: 123.72 KB / Downloads: 401)
Also available on the Mods site.